(no subject)

Dec 09, 2013 05:13

I've often wondered why, if I consider myself a writer, do I have so little motivation to write? When I am writing I really want to keep writing and the more I write the more I want to write, but I can easily slip, lose steam, or through necessity go a time without writing and I'm right back to the stagnant lack of motivation.

I read about other writers for whom writing is practically an addiction and I feel ashamed.

But just like there are positive motivators, there are negative limiters. I'm fucking scared of both failing and succeeding as a writer. And I do get scared by the all-absorbing nature of my urge to write when I am in the thick of it. And from what I've been reading, negative emotions are often stronger hindrance than positive emotions are motivators. I can feel the truth in that.

And to make myself feel better. I'm always coming up with stories, living out stories, daydreaming stories. I'm always writing. I'm just doing it in a safe, limited way.

That needs to change. In every aspect of my life that needs to change.
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