Oct 11, 2006 20:34
I think winter is coming, and I have still not secured a perfect winter coat. Why is perfection so difficult to find. I have not been up to perfection in grad school, as I had so hoped. I am just staying above the average, i guess that is going to have to be good enough.
I have had a restful two days as one of my two enormous projects is now finished. Ahhhh freedom, and friends.\
My fajah is coming in a little over a week, but I got the coffee and the maker, no that is a lie, i have only gotten the coffee maker....it would work as a water warmer, maybe he won't notice???? I hope it will be a good visit. I have a big list of things he can do to stay busy. He is still not smoking from what I understand and everyone is quite pleased, i hope he makes it through his first week back at work.
Lastly, does any one have any fun activities that high functioning older adults would like to do??? Apparently stretching is boring and painful. What wusses.