
Mar 03, 2009 18:22

Has anyone read the new interview with Genevieve Cortese? She just comes off sounding lost and it only reconfirms to me that she's not at all suited to this role and was miscast.

I'm quoting stuff behind the cut. I don't think it's spoilerish for those who have watched Season 4 but the post might get lengthy.

For anyone who cares, I expanded more on why Genevieve and this interview annoyed the fuck out of me.

Which Supernatural scene was the most difficult to shoot and why?

The most difficult scenes were in the first episode because I was trying to figure out the love interest thing vs. the bitchy demon thing. How do I marry the two? I had all these questions: Why would Sam want to be with a bitchy demon? What does it mean to be bitchy and angry? You can't use the excuse that Ruby is a demon and therefore mean and tough. It originates from SOMEWHERE and unless someone has actually met a demon, nobody really knows how they act. So the first episode was difficult overall.

First off, having been in hell you'd think Ruby would be angrier and perhaps even more feral. But what bugs me is she's trying to re-interpret a character that already existed and was fine. It's annoying.

There appears to be a personality change in Ruby this season. Is this something that has been planned for a specific purpose, or has it been your interpretation of the character and her motivations?

Yes, there is a change in Ruby. It's part my interpretation and part her arc this season. It's not the same. Remember she went back to hell, so maybe her tactics are different. She's evolving. I believe she still wants the same things, but now she has a different approach.

I'm quoting my friend, Scarlet, here: "I just have to say that specific choices in regards to your acting - when they are the wrong choices - are bad acting - the whole process counts, idiotface."

Gah, I hate you Genevieve. Find another show to ruin.

To read the full interview go here

Edit: After reading all your comments I have more things I want to expand on and address as to why I feel Genevieve Cortese sucks as Ruby.

After reading her interview it's apparent to me that she clearly has no idea how to play a demon and what it enables. She's over-thinking it, over-analyzing it, and mis-stepping and it shows. It's bad acting, period. She's trying to play Ruby like some love sick little girl and she's not. Gah, it's just really frustrating to watch and read.

And it's sad because no one else seems to have a problem playing a demon. David Boreanaz from Angel and Buffy and no issues playing a similar role. He played both a demon with a soul and without one and pulled it off spectacularly. As did James Marsters. Nikki Aycox did a great job playing a demon on SPN. Hell, Maid!Ruby and Secretary!Ruby each had one scene to play Ruby and NAILED it. So why is Genevieve struggling?

And then I read stuff like the following:

My favorite scene we've shot was the scene where Julie McNiven's character (Anna) tells everyone she remembers she is an angel and she lost her grace. I love it because Ruby is just standing in the doorway pacing, like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!" I loved it because sometimes Ruby is like a cat. She's always watching and planning her next move. I love the scene in the car too - with the angel and the demon in the back seat, because Ruby just about wants to scratch her skin off she is so uncomfortable. It makes me laugh.

Really?! Because that didn't come across to me at all. She just looked dead eyed and bored. At times I maybe saw a mild look of irritation on her face. Nothing she feels she's conveying through her acting is coming across and it's annoying the fuck out of me.

She then goes on to say the following:

I also did a lot of research on angels and demons and religion.

To quote my friend, Scarlet, again. "But none on 'emoting.' Damn shame."

She obviously tried out for a love interest while auditioning and then found out she was to play a demon. But her head got stuck on the love interest part and she can't seem to move past that. She's more interested in playing Sam's girlfriend than a demon and it's lame and not something I want to see. She's out of her element and cleary needs to go. Blah.

And now I think I'm done.

supernatural, rants

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