No Labor Too Small.

Feb 17, 2008 11:28

Yes, I am an asshole. I need a real update.

But until then:

The Letter A:
Are you available?: physically.
What is your age?: seventeen.
What annoys you?: inconsistency, deception, ignorance, etc.

The Letter B:
Do you live in a big house?: nope. i live in an apartment with my sister and her boyfriend right now.
When is your birthday?: august 18th.

The Letter C:
What's your favorite candy?: probably lindt truffles. but those aren't a candy. okay, so maybe candy necklaces - practical and sweet.
When was the last time you cried?: a couple of days ago, i'm guessing.

The Letter D:
Do you daydream?: sure.
What's your favorite kind of dog?: peanut and pepper were the best. i would have a dachshund and/or a french bulldog over anything else.
What day of the week is it?: sunday.

The Letter E:
How do you like your eggs?: fried on a sandwich or scrambled alone.
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: yes, but not generally for myself.
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: blink, probably.

The Letter F:
Have you ever flown in a plane?: yeah.
Do you use fly swatters?: nope.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: actually, yes.

The Letter G:
Do you chew gum?: sometimes.
Are you a giver or a taker?: always a combination.
Do you like gummy candies?: mostly swedish fish and gummy bears and stuff.

The Letter H:
How are you?: cold, bothered, neutral, tired...
What's your height?: about 5'4".
What color is your hair?: it's brown, naturally and not.

The Letter I:
What's your favorite ice cream?: it might still be cappuccino chocolate chunk. or chocolate therapy from ben and jerry's.
Have you ever ice skated?: once or twice. the last time was ninth grade; i will never do that again.
Do you play an instrument?: not exactly. i still have my guitar - in california - i remember some piano, and i haven't played the trumpet in years.

The Letter J:
What's your favorite jelly bean?: that's tough. but the harry potter ones are the best in general.
Do you wear jewelry?: i have a lot, though i wear it pretty sparingly. i choose weird stuff singularly so as not to disturb everyone.

The Letter K:
Do you want kids?: occasionally. i'm typically on the fence about it.
Where did you have kindergarten?: woodhull.

The Letter L:
Are you laid back?: i wouldn't say that.
Do you lie?: not so much anymore. perhaps by omission.

The Letter M:
What's your favorite movie?: i usually tell people it's "closer," but i have so many that it's hard to pick just one.
Who's your favorite male actor?: this is a hard one too.
Do you like mangoes?: yeah, sometimes.

The Letter N:
Do you have a nickname?: i have tons. my favorite lately is "shwardan." that's my name pronounced really wrong by a substitute teacher.
What's your favorite number?: thirty-seven, from time to time.
Do you prefer night over day?: usually, yeah. it has to be a damn good night though.

The Letter O:
Are you an only child?: no, i have two older sisters.

The Letter P:
What one fear are you most paranoid about?: i have a habit of waiting for tragedy. i'm even more afraid because it usually turns out that way.
What's a personality trait you look for in the opposite/same sex?: compassion. it used to be humor more than anything, but feeling is just so immediately key.

The Letter Q:
Are you quick to judge people?: i'm sure, but i have been getting better at that. it's like that whole "challenge day" mentality.

The Letter R:
Do you think you're always right?: no.
Do you watch reality TV?: oh god yes.

The Letter S:
Do you prefer sun or rain?: i love quietly rainy days. loud sunshine is cool too.
Do you like snow?: i do. it's what made me come home.
What's your favorite season?: fall.

The Letter T:
What time is it?: 11:17 am.
What time did you wake up?: i set my alarm for ten because i have plans with the mother in a while.
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: probably after prom last year. i'm completely serious.

The Letter U:
How many days until your next birthday?: many. well, there's almost exactly six months.

The Letter V:
What's the worst veggie?: i will say pickles. i do not care if they're not a vegetable. they're the worst everything.
Where do you want to go on vacation?: canada (even if those bastards raised the drinking age), england, and at some point i will return to california.
Where was your last family vacation to?: probably that time i was tricked into moving to california. i'm sort of kidding. other than that, i don't remember any legitimately family-oriented vacations for years.

The Letter W:
What's your worst habit?: i could overflow with impossible hopes. that's probably not my worst habit, but it's possibly the most detrimental.
Where do you live?: new york.

The Letter X:
Have you ever had an x-ray?: yes.
Do you own a xylophone?: nope. years ago, yeah.

The Letter Y:
Do you like the color yellow?: it's up there with blue and black.
What year were you born in?: 1990.
What's one thing you yearn for?: i would like time to finally do its job. you know, all that crap about healing and moving and growing, etc. i want a real peace with the people i've loved from that start, even those that might not ever return. i want to know where i've been before i get going again. i know we're always changing, but i need to know why sometimes.

The Letter Z:
What's your zodiac sign?: leo, obviously.
Do you believe in the zodiac?: i do.
What's your favorite zoo animal?: zebras. then come lions. it's a paradox.
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