
Oct 06, 2006 17:08

Long story short. (well as short as possible.) I ran away from home. Things got so bad, and I turned into a person I never wanted to show my parents. But that was me, raw and completely honest. Even if what I said was out of anger and spite, it was intense. 
I came back and went to work, and I swallowed my pride and called my mom. we talked and then my mom, dad and I talked. we decided that we should start going to family counciling. it's alright...i hate doctors. but it'll be okay. anyways, i had to pay for the furniture that i broke when i stormed out of the room, that cost me about 400 dollars, and i was grounded off  the computer until I paid it off. that's no fun, but i'm back no. and things are better. still kinda walking on eggshells. my dad's and my relationship is shakey to say the least. we don't really talk to each other. probably because he's never seen me like that before. i love him to death, but i don't think it will ever be the same. my mom and i are...normal. i see some changes in her, like her touching me more, her hugging me more, but at the same time her being more strict, like she doesn't want me to go away again. i don't know, it just bothers me when people look at our family and think "well shit , they're perfect" when in fact we're far from it. we just don't lay our issues on the table for everyone to see. which in retrospect is probably for the best because then NO ONE would talk to us. haha. 
i have a butt load of chores i need to catch up on this weekend. it'll be good though, to just clean and get it all done and over with. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow, I feel like I'm running on pure will to make money. haha 
I'm on ALOT of medicine, but i'm on this new kind of steroid (the LEGAL kind) that makes....well...everyting good. haha i don't know why but since taking them my cough is better, i'm losing weight, my tummy is better... everything just kinda WENT AWAY and i feel really good. my mom said people go one of two ways on the medicine. either you feel depressed or you feel like "mighty mouse". she gets depressed on it. i got the mighty mouse. thank god. haha. 
well people i better get going. 
i'll update soon. 
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