Oct 31, 2005 03:09
happy halloween...happy bday gregory...and samantha... happy first day of suspension from work for me... happy first day that he's gone for a week and i haven't heard from him since yesterday... happy that the other he came over for closure tonight and i still fill unfufilled...
life is funny... u think u have shit figured out... then shit falls apart... its a continuation of repetition of the same shit...over..and over..and over again... is it me? is it you? who the hell knows..who the hell cares..but im about due for a change...
so here's an update since the last real update...so.. i was dating a guy from work... and it was cool i guess...but turns out we want different things... he wants to be a player..and i want to be a girlfriend... which is understandable... im a challenge..im difficult... i dont have sex unless i'm in love so basically that puts a huge damper on things... im fun for a minute til the penis takes over and has to find a vagina to save its life... which is fine too...
so now... im talking to someone new... at first it seemed completely awesome in all sorts of ways... but now im not so sure... little red flags are flying and im not likeing it at all... if im going to commit myself to one boy friend... i need to know for sure that its the right decision ... bc its a delicate matter, dealing with my heart... it wants to fall so bad sometimes that it puts aside various things...ie..morals... goals..dreams... standards... and i really am straight on doin all that for now...
but thats all igot for now... so bye