(no subject)

Apr 15, 2009 17:34

Finally got around to posting some photos from Spring Break in California. I went to Laguna Beach, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree National Park, and the Getty Museum in Hollywood. Lots of U2 references ahead, just warnin'.

View from our airplane over Salt Lake City.

I tried to spot the coveted Joshua Tree from up here... yeah, no luck.

Gettin' closer...

Laguna Beach at sunset. We were just in time to see it.

My future neighborhood...

The waves were insane that day! There were 2 dudes surfing, and they must've been freezin' their patooties off.

Couple unusual lookin' trees...

Headed out to the home of ol' Blue Eyes... Palm Springs.

Wind energy! Those things were effing monstrous, and there were SO many of 'em!

Headed out to Joshua Tree National Park... can you feel the epic-ness yet?

"When I pass by all the people say, just another guy on the lost highway..."

Sar Bear enjoying the breeeeeze...

So epic.

Much better ;o)


Come on, you knew it was only a matter of time before it made an appearance...

These things were as malicious as they look.

We thought they were baby Joshua Trees, but yeah... no.

Brand new shoes I nabbed from Target for a cool 12 bucks in Palm Springs. Boomcha.

This is Red Rocks! Em... wrong.

JOSHUA TREEEE!!! Okay, it was THE Joshua Tree, but it was still a Joshua Tree!!!!

"I wanna ruuuun, I want to hiiiiide.... I wanna tear down the walls, that hold me inside..."

"I'll show you a place, high on a desert plain...."

WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME! Yeah, it was a little windy.

Ahhh!!! U2 landmark! This was... just so cool.

Apparently Bono stayed in room 4 - we were gonna walk up and check it out, but the place was full, so... we didn't.

So badass.

Picture Anton blocking the sun with his big ol' camera, and this probably what the boys were seeing back then...


Driving into the valley...


No line on the horizon...

Getty Museum in Hollywood atop a mountain. This place was too freakin' cool.

This painting was almost as big as my house...

View from our room... these kitties were alwayz chillin' on da roof. So cute.

We took a little trek around a park on the top of a huge mountain in Laguna. We met a little friend along the way. His name is Lexington.

I leave you with an image of Laguna Beach from the cloooouds! Great trip. Hope you enjoyed looking through my photos :o)

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