Dear LJ -- Summer

May 26, 2013 16:23

The summer is here and with it I don't actually find that I have significantly more time than before. This is partially due to case studies for my thesis taking longer than expected to prepare. C++ is hard to build transformations for. It has been a fun challenge, though, and I've learned a lot about various frameworks I wouldn't have otherwise needed to work with, so that much is good. I defend in August so I'll hope I have everything wrapped up by then.

Yaki should be moving up here soon. We don't have a date since he wants to have a job lined up first but I suspect it should be before winter.

I'm looking forward to Anthrocon, as I do every year. Yaki is coming over for a week and another friend from the UK will be up here for a couple weeks. Hoping we can make his first trip to the US fun.

Nothing else is reeeeaally new. I started writing a story last summer based on a universe I'd created a few years ago. While it doesn't garner lots of attention, it does seem to have a nice little group of people who follow along, which is a nice thing to have; so I'm happy for that.

Hopefully the summer will go by smoothly and will relax me enough for the next Fall semester. Have to take an entrance exam and I can't fail it or I'm out.
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