Two packages arrived together today, containing 2 Hetalia Doujinshi and 2 Anthology.
1 from Texas and 1 from the Netherlands. If anyone is curious, I can provide the sellers.
The Texas package that arrived contained two Doujinshi. (PICTURE BELOW)
- #1 is Pirate!UK/British Empire centered.
- #2 is US/UK/UK
Both feature Pirate!UK, which I guess is my new favorite thing. (:
I wish it had been Pirate!UK/US instead, but I still enjoy it. These books both have UK/UK too, which I'm not really into as much. But the seller who I bought from though, all her doujinshi had UK-Selfcest in some way. I managed to grab the only two featuring Pirate!UK with US in some way. Very happy. /Nerding it up over here.
The one with two Pirate!UK on the front was very cheap, only $7 even though it's pretty thick because it had been scanned, so the spine was bent.
Package number two, from the Netherlands, arrived with two Anthology. (PICTURE BELOW)
- #1 AND #2 are both US/Belarus.
- They're by the well known US/Bela artist circle, Blacksheep.
The second, smaller one actually has a rare cover version of it, only sold at the public release (or so I've heard).
Wishing I could read Japanese right now. I've been wanting these for a while, but they're so expensive that I've been holding back. I finally caved in and bought them though. Still expensive, but worth it. They're absolutely gorgeous. I've always been fond of the circles work. I usually don't like the heterosexual couples in Hetalia, except for Austria and Hungary, but they amuse me greatly. Really good quality anthologies.
- 2 Doujinshi, US/Japan.
**ABOUT IT: They're both halves of a single story, from how the good relationship between the two went south in WWII (and the years just before), to the American occupation of Japan after their defeat. Also little peaks of the very close, modern relationship the two have together. Should arrive, hopefully, this week. Seller was Tsuki, who's very quick and reliable. I'm actually not a big fan of these two at all, but I do enjoy our history together. It makes for a good angsty, heartbreaking romance that has a happy ending (modern day).
- 3 Doujinshi, ENGLISH, US/UK. Fuck yeah, something I can read! :D
**ABOUT IT: There was a short pre-order for them in English, directly from the artist. I managed to grab three. One has pirate!UK, second is a small Neko!USUK book, and the third is the first book of her new series, THESIS, featuring the american revolution. I'll be getting ANTI-THESIS, the 2/?? of the series with Englands side of the story when pre-orders open. The art is so damn pretty, and I'll actually be able to undertstand, so I can't wait! Should arrive in 1-2 weeks.
My collection is growing. :D Maybe I'll gain the courage to post publically with it in the collection community once it grows just a little more.