Jun 06, 2005 22:58
Wedding part I
The first night of our so-called vacation my parents Roz and I stopped in a literal one-horse town. Thinking about it the night before I imagined a little hotel in the middle of town. I at least thought that there would be a bar, maybe country, which I could stop and get a beer at. So imagine our horror, that is Roz and I when we pull off the interstate and into a Best Western by the interstate next to a Waffle house. So much for the glory of the first night.
Roz and I are sitting here writing, she a creative writing major and I journalism major. Of course that is the only thing to do on a Friday night at 9:30! Roz looks desperate and I know I am. Am I insane to think that maybe by some pure chance of luck that the waffle house might be a good idea? Only time will tell as the night progresses.
10:20 p.m. and boredom finally set in for the both of us. So guess what… We are at the Waffle House beside the hotel. Again it isn’t the glory of what we both dreamed but hell it beats staying at the room. I’m having just a cup of coffee and Roz, a waffle, imagine a waffle at a Waffle House!
I am sure that tomorrow will be better. In fact, we just ran into a gentleman who in fact is from the part of Florida
Work sucks as usual. I heard the other day that 85% of Americans hate their job and I am beginning to believe it. I am an intern at a shipping company in my hometown and while I like the environment I deal with ignorant people on a regular basis. Today I spent an hour, before giving up, explaining to my co-worker the concept of a society were women and men are of equal value. For those of you who know me, you can imagine the quite interesting conversation. The truth of the saying you can’t change people comes into play here as I gave up and decided that in fact, yes the saying is true.
But for now I think I will go watch the TV. Something has to be on. With my luck, probably not.
Wedding Part II
Today was a four-hour drive into Tampa to see my cousin. Bridals showers aren’t my thing so my father and I got on a toll bridge to try and find a restaurant or just to look for something to do. Trouble was that we took the wrong side of the bridge and almost wound up in some redneck FL town.
My father and I wound up back in time for dinner. It was very nice. I had met the groom’s family before but today I actually got to know a lot of them. I actually like them, which is a relief to my cousin. The groom’s best man and I have some in common and so it was a lively conversation at dinner.
Tonight Roz and I did find some interesting things to do tonight. We are staying at this Resort about 45 minutes from my cousin’s house and it is pretty nice. We went to a hotel bar to just get a beer and relax. I think we actually wound up crashing a wedding but it was alright they accepted us!
Well, it is 11:00 and it is getting late around here so I am going to go. The wedding is tomorrow and it should be quite nice.