Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given. Also, make sure you specify in your comment that you want subjects for the meme.
The 5 that
kittymaru gave me are:
1. video games
3. ohgr
4. daisy chain 4 satan
I answered 2 for now, but I'm getting too tired to finish it up now. More to come tomorrow.
1. video games
I remember when I was around 8 or so, not too long after we moved into our newly built house in Burke Centre, my Dad brought home this weird thing for the TV from Radio Shack. It was called Pong. I've been playing video games in one form or another ever since.
Now, the huge TV in my living room is primarily an Xbox 360 display unit. I've spent a lot of time playing, and even some making, video games. I think what I find most compelling about them is that they are interactive, and stimulate the brain to some degree. Even the most mindless shooting game requires the player to actually play, and not just sit there staring vacantly.
I think the level of technology and mainstream acceptance of video games we see now have brought us to an interesting place. I've seen predictions that the industry is going to surpass the movie industry in terms of revenue, and that it may be the future of storytelling (much as movies and television have supplanted print, largely). I think both are likely true, and I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm not interested in surpassing them per se, as opening up additional venues for creativity. I see interesting times ahead in the field, and look forward to seeing (and hopefully contributing to) them.
It was in the 2nd grade, after I had convinced my folks to let me go to a public school (dunno how I managed that so young) and go to school with local kids, that I met Steve Satterfield. He introduced me to a number of firsts in my life... Iron Maiden, Kiss and Motley Crue over the years; the original b/w box set basic edition of Dungeons and Dragons; Heavy Metal (the movie and magazine both); and one day his mom drove us to see Lord of the Rings in the movie theatre (the Bakashi (sp?) version, of course).
He had told me about the stories, but I don't recall having read the Hobbit until 5th grade, or thereabouts. After the Hobbit, I tried reading The Simmerwhatchamacallit, which was about the most boring thing in the world to such a young lad. In the next year or two (I think junior high), I read the trilogy, naturally skipping past the boring bits... it was all about Frodo's epic journey, and who really gave a crap about the poncey elf and bearded midget running around after those OTHER hobbits.
Well, eventually that changed, and as I read the books again, completely, in high school I began to appreciate the depth of the books. The trilogy and The Hobbit became the first books that I read more than once because I wanted too... and I've read them pretty much every year since, at least once a year. I have nothing but amazement for the depth of the world that Tolkien created, and have since purchased his son's books that review all of JRR's notes and explore all the changes and revisions (Strider was originally NOT the king at all!). I gotta say though, the Simmerwhatchamacallit is still boring as fuck all, and I've never managed to make it all the way through... nobody bats 1,000.
3. ohgr
What can I say about the lead singer and artist of the greatest band the world has ever known? ^_^ There are many things to like and admire about Kevin Oglivie, far beyond the excellent music. Skinny Puppy - a name chosen to evoke a dogs view of the world, Ogre is a consistent advocate for animal rights, without being stupid or obnoxious about it (re PETA). In fact, let me just add in here the video for the SP song Testure for anyone that hasn't seen it. As you will see, the video really brings home the cruelty of animal testing.
Click to view
Most people, if they write to a celebrity, would count themselves lucky to receive a basic response. Ogre, at the height of SP's popularity, would regularly interact with their fan base. Heck, he once responded to an email of mine and conducted a brief email interview with me (a total nobody) for the Skinny Puppy USENet mailing list, just because I was a fan. Now that's pretty cool... but what if you're a high school outcast who not only feels a deep connection to his music, but pours out her heart, problems, doubts and fears to him because she feels he's the only person that will understand? Obviously you collect, save and treasure these letters for a period of years, then return them all to her years later at a concert. The book these letters have built is called Go Ask Ogre, and is unfortunately no longer in print. One day I will get and read this book, just because of the profound effect he had on this girl.
I could write pages about many different aspects of the band and the man. How I love the creativity and artistry and theatrical spectacle they bring to the stage. How compelling I find the layers and layers and layers to their music. How I cried when I heard Dwayne died of an overdose, and
still have a copy of the Washington Post obituary. There is simply too much to say, and I don't know if I have the words to do it all justice. I hope I've managed to scratch the surface.
4. daisy chain 4 satan
First off, for anyone else reading this that doesn't know this song (WTF?) I give you this excellent fan vid:
Click to view
"I would never buy drugs" "I live for drugs"
heh. If we have a song, I suppose this is the most likely candidate. Why associate this with me? I would suppose it's our in joke, quoting those lines back and forth, as well as the Lewis Carroll references.
Probably also a nod to all the drug use I did in the 90s, and my willingness to discuss it. The hallucinatory nature of LSD comes through well in the song, and it always my favorite drug for unlocking the brain and creating art. If I was ever to really share a drug experience with you... it would probably be getting some good LSD and art supplies and making art together while looping various Skinny Puppy tracks in the background. In fact, that sounds incredibly appealing to me, to be honest. :p
Wow... what to say about THE CORPS. Most people get to know me cannot believe that I used to be a Marine. I've been asked many times before if I regret it. Hell no! I have to say in preface though, that I try not to regret any major decisions in my life... if they were poor, learn and move on certainly.
I look at it this way - if I hadn't of joined the Corps, I would have went to NVCC at *least* a year earlier, meeting an entirely different group of people. I never would have met the first girl I truely fell in love with. I never would have met Don Reedy, which means I wouldn't have brought him to Dharma Coffeehouse... and he was the catalyst through which I met David, Dan, Kurt, Heather and many others... some of the best and closest friends I've had in my life.
Without having met David, I certainly wouldn't have moved in with him. I wouldn't have had the whole school situation I was in, including dropping out of the one semester I spent at GMU, which resulted in needing to support myself, which resulted in getting a job at EBX which resulted in meeting you, my other closest and dearest friend,