Jul 13, 2006 11:20
I got a really cool present from my work buddy Frannie, bannanie. She had this garage sale and one of the things that didn't go was this rock sphere. Its a shade of pink to scary for words. When I was little I was going to have a hot pink with black polka dots mustang convertable (67' -69'). Those days are gone. I am not a fan of pink. Pink, offends the eye. Unless its roses or rose quartz, which I love. Eh hem, Rayven, take notice here. Any way this rock is neither rose, nor rose quartz. Sigh... I love rocks. Don't need drugs, stick me around a bunch of rocks and I'm high as a kite. (Books have a similar effect, though probably for a different reason). But I morn GREATLY when silly people inject color into rocks. You'll see this a LOT at those like gift shop places where they have a stand of rocks and you fill a bag with the ones you want. Like half the stones will be INJECTED with color to catch the eye of tourists. They don't know what they're buying, they don't care! But the poor rock!!!! And more often than not they'll do this with onyx because it usually takes color well. Those of you wearing "black onyx" out there. Onxy is almost ALWAYs like white to beige to like a greeny color. If memory serves, most if not all black onyx is dyed. As a lover of black onyx that almost took its appeal away for me when I found out. But, black rocks are appealing, and I can't help but like it anyway. Again, its been many years since I got that little factoid, but I'm pretty sure about it. Back to the sphere. Not only was this poor thing injected, it was injected with pink, and its a horribly crappy job. All that said, I still LIKE the thing. I've been playing with it most of the morning while a practiced my work stuff. It spins, and the striping on it looks cool. If you love something, you love it as it is, not inspite of what it is. Querks and all. (just an opinion, and as a pisces I'm apt to change it often). But, I love the scary pink rock.
I promise to get R to show me how to make these posts into links so I can stop taking up everyones space.
On another note. I have promised to stop buying things on ebay... For a while... AND MY GILLYBEAN is coming down for the Ball. Now we just have to get Annie down here as well and it'll be set. But regardless, Gillybean is coming!!! HURRAY! I ground her into submission over it last night. The appeal of the noodles for dinner was too much, HA HA!! I'm so excited. I mean I LOVE it here, and I don't miss home. And we were mostly hermit like when we were there anyway, so not hanging with our friends isn't out of the ordinary. But we didn't really have the money or the time to go out while we were up there, and here we do and its like... Well, hmm... one, gotta get a taxi cause NO designated driver. (I'm not making R do it, cause that would be NO FUN, for either of us). And to downtown from our house is likely to be like 20-30 bucks one way. two, no one to get into trouble with. And I don't know where to find a waffle house around here. We ARE getting an IHOP shortly... but still. Three, no one to go, hey remember the time you got drunk and nearly knocked over the table and spilled everyones drinks, or got drunk and took that band guy home with you (pre-R days of course). And of the things that I do miss, I miss my Gillybean probably the most. And R's brother. Don't miss Crystal's skank ass, but I do miss the brother and our niece. So, gillybean is coming and we're going to spoil her so she will want to move down here as well. OR, BARING THAT, lock her in the closet until they stop trying to find her back in EC. We do have big closets, hmm... LOL Anyway, I super excited. I've already stocked up on noodles!
In other knews, we got Boondock saints unrated collectors edition yesterday (ebay stuff is FINALLY starting to show up). And before that we got Children shouldn't play with dead things. We started watching it last night and I LOVE IT. Maybe it was tiredness, but I thought it was hillarious. We'll see how it stands up tonight when we finish it. I've been looking at some of the zombie communities on here, and I love some of the icons people use. R and I are going to make some for us. (Hon, we need to get on that again!) I REALLY want to find some people down here and do like a zombie feast weekend. We finally have enough movies to fill one up. Movies outside of Ramero that is. I love him, don't get me wrong, he is a zombie god. But the stuff from the 70's and 80's rocks. And I'm happy to report like 10+ lowbudget zomb.'s have come out in the last year. Not just stiff like slither, which SADLY, I didn't get to see. But like zombie honeymoon and zombie night. Oh, and Undead and Dead and Breakfast ROCKED. At anyrate, time to work again!