Oct 17, 2003 13:55
Dear Mr. Jobs,
That must've been one badass blizzard in Hell. Well, you said it would happen when Hell freezes over, so I appreciate that you made good on your word. Because you did I've bought songs at the iTunes Music Store and today I adopted my very own iPod.
As you know, I've been investigating whether your fine product could live happily in my dark world of Windows, but yesterday you allowed the light of your technological wonders to shatter the glass. I must shamefully admit that I am a prodigal. My first computer was a Performa 550, upon which thousands of letters were carefully composed and as few college papers as I could get away with were crafted. Unfortunately, after my years at Wheaton I stumbled into the dark and betrayed the computers that served as a light to my path from the age of seven to twenty-one. I succumbed to fear and greed as the dark Micro$oft empire taunted me with threats that I would not find employment if I never learned to right-click.
I recognize the errors of my ways and I can only hope the kingdom of Apple still holds a place for me. Please know that I realize this iPod is only a small step toward mending our severed relationship, but I want to offer it as a promise of my intent to return to the family as soon as finances allow. Until that time, may your innovation continue to make the world a better place.
Very truly yours,
Andrew Newby