Title: "The Last Gift"
eide_maiden &
jetta-e_rusFandom: Vorkosigan Saga
Music: Emperor Ezar's song from the rock opera
"Legend of the Prince" concerning to the pre-Escobar events.
Language: Russian
Duration: 3:29 min
You can take it from:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCSIF0BP5ag (low size and quality)
http://barrayar.slashfiction.ru/media/lastgift.avi (full size of 13.7mB).
(So you don't speak Russian see below the word for word translation of the poetry to English.)
This will be my last gift for my son.
Isn't my heir worth a whole fleet, indeed?
Esсobar will quake in flames,
it will be an altar, not a scaffold.
I never wished such a fate for my son.
I hadn’t believed in power of others’ curses
though Yuri predicted that you would be
an utter nuisance from your very birth.
Once you asked me with a smile
why had I been so eager for the throne,
why had I needed a massacre
and why hadn't I taken a crown without a war.
What should I answer you, my dear son?
I could have just waited and looked impassively
at the fire smokes over the capital,
at army mutinies and District riots.
Piotr was crazily stubborn from grief;
Xav kept saying we had a criminal on the throne.
We wrote my manifesto together
and swore to bury Yuri.
Maple leaves in a silver rime
were falling into my hands when the capital
was captured without a battle in October.
And my wife was expecting a Crown Prince by July.
They called lately 'Ezar's war'
executions of recalcitrants and of rebellious Districts.
I've shed more human blood than the Other -
the man whose eyes you have.
These were three hard decades
when I was raising my Imperium but not my son.
The indisputable result of my victories
is Barrayar, now strong and free.
I've raised my country from ruins,
I've cut the path to the galaxy through Komarr.
There was only one war I have lost
but you haven't won too, be sure.
Для русскоговорящих: это мой с соавтором клип "Последний дар" на одноименную арию Эзара из рок-оперы "Легенда о принце". Поют по-русски. :) Качать по ссылкам.