@_@ I actually asked doreen to delete the thread. Mostly cause I was asking for trailering in the event that I got Bayda...and then since I wasn't going to get her, I didn't want people to see the thread and think she was adopted. But yeah....Jaque left a really rude comment, too...everyone just ignored it, except Nicole, who said something very tactical...but its probably better that its gone. God....I can't believe people. I was talking to Bayda's owner on the phone, and we had a little mutual bitch-fest about people who put Nicole down like that. I don't see any of THEM putting thier lives aside to help horses. Anyway, I feel bad because I couldn't take her, and I think Nicole was really hoping that I could. :( I want to, so badly...and I MIGHT have been able to do it...but it would be too risky with school in 2007 and me not having a job for sure. I was really hoping for something AFTER I have a solid income, since I will have virtually no money by the time I get back to Coombs. Not to mention, not very fair to my mom who would have to care for her for a month. Oh well. Haha...second time I've been a bitch to perhaps the nicest horseperson on Van Isle. >.< Go me. I'm going crazy for lack of horse-ish-ness. The staff at the Agriplex is getting sick of me.
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