I discovered something very upsetting today.. Tessa's going to freaking TENNESSEE after her 3 months here are up. And plus, Melissa (the woman hiring me to train her) bought her just last year from ALBERTA. So at only 6 years old, this highly sensitive, timid sweetheart of a mare has been bred 3 times (in Alberta), moved to a different province to be a paddock ornament for a year, come to my place to be re-started, and then she's going to Tennessee where she will continue to be a broodmare as well as a Dressage mount. I sure hope she's going to a GOOD, PERMANENT home. Cause this is really unfair to her.. it makes me sad :( . Horses should mean more to people than MONEY. Poor Tessa... I hope she doesn't get ruined like so many horses do. ;_;
On a cheerier note, I have pictures of me riding her thanks to Tasha! :D
Oh yes, t'was a photo shoot day.. too bad it was shitty overcast weather! I wrote a song for my camera.. it's called "I hate you".
I love how she makes me look like a dwarf...
This is how much I love her neck.. bwaha.
And pictures of the unbelievably smexy Hankis. He was HILARIOUS that day! My god he was leaping and bouncing around like a little girl, hehehe.
Yeah, last cantering shot I promise.. I CAN SEE RIBS!! *dies*
I freaking LOVE this picture! Too bad it's blurry, but meh. My jumping position is 100 times better when I DON'T have a saddle.. this way it's physically impossible for me to jump ahead. I wonder if they'd let me do equitation classes bareback?
Nice knees.. retard :P . He's sloppy over little jumps..
He can look like a Dressage pony at a stanstill... eehehehe donkey ears!
And Misty in her new VERY BLUE bridle, and being a western pony in an english saddle :P
Squeeee western joggity jogjog! (Yeah, you heard me)
Not-so-western lope... more like a hand gallop actually! We haven't discussed western lope yet.
And the Wurm being.. the Wurm. <3
Run Wurmin run!
I think this was our pro 'stop from canter' moment.
And our not-so-pro turn on the haunches :D
Kay I'm all done now! You may proceed with your daily lives!