Nov 22, 2005 08:42
I GOT COLDPLAY TICKETS YESTERDAY!!!! Holy fuck I'm excited XD~ The first show must have sold out really quickly because they put on a second one. I managed to get us the last side-by-side tickets available for the second show. YAY!! ^_^
So Gerri has now decided to keep ALL of the horses. She said she'll only part with Misty and only if it's me who takes her. So I'm pretty happy about that :D
Why does she have to put us all through this though? Jeez...
So I don't know how well this is going to pan out, but I figure in a couple of years I will have saved enough money to take Misty. We will be putting up a permanent fence in the paddock shortly for any horses I'll be getting for training. About a quarter of the paddock will be fenced off and that part will have the run-in. Once the barn is finished I can put up another fence where the 3rd stall is going to be and Misty can live in there.
Haha.. or maybe I could just keep Misty at Gerri's place. Or maybe we could just move to a bigger property.
Bravo's gone. Nicole and Doris came to get him Friday night. It was depressing, inside my head I was going "FUCKOFFYOURNOTTAKINGMYHORSE". The worst part is, I think Bravo felt that I didn't want him to leave. He loaded perfectly last time he was trailered but it took Doris about 20 minutes to get him in this time. Nicole and I were standing off to the side where we thought we were out of the way, but Bravo kept wrenching the lead rope out of Doris' hand and coming to me, and he pressed his forehead against my chest. Three times he did that. He did the same thing the first night he was here too. :'( When Doris finally had him in front of the trailer, there was a minute where he just stopped moving and he looked at me for about 20 seconds. It was then that I was thinking things like 'he's going to a good home' and 'this is what's best for him'. Then he just walked calmly onto the trailer...
I miss him. I know this should have been his forever home, he should have stayed here. If only I were rich.
Anyways, I'm slowly getting over it.
The Toy Ride was lots of fun. Shurman was better behaved than I expected him to be (which was good because Kathy and Mr.Kurland were there), and Hank was totally wired. Yeah that got annoying really fast -_- . Hankis: *prance prance prance lookatmeI'msopretty* . Me: "DAMN YOU!"
At least he wasn't scared of the ponies this time.
Shurman's legs are doing something funky, he looks like he's stocked up a bit, but I'm not sure. I put the polo wraps on yesterday and the swelling went down a lot, guess I'll just keep doing that and walking him a bit. He's not lame so... silly old horses.
Gerri has had George's shoes pulled. They were really really badly fitted because his feet are completely bruised from them. He's made an incredible transformation since being barefoot- he's still a chicken shit but a CALM one now. Thank god.