Jul 21, 2003 18:16
[stole from tuppie's lj, who stole it from huru]
***Have you ever...***
*... kissed your cousin? incest!
*... ran away? physically? ..no? mentally? yes
*... pictured your crush naked? #_#;; ahem..who'd do a thing like that!
*... broken someone's heart? hopefully not
*... been in love? yes <3
*... cried when someone died? yeah..one of my family members
*... wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? no..(i knew i could have tupper though..)
*... broken a bone? broken someone else's bone? yes
*... drank alcohol? if wine counts..that's only on 'special occasions'
*... lied? yeah ^^;
*... cried in school? uhh..when i was little?
***Do you believe in...***
*... love at first sight? yes
*... God? yeah
*... kisses on the first date? been on one date..we didn't kiss ='p
*... monsters? no! i mean yes! i mean..no!
*... horoscopes? they're interesting
*... aliens? yes! there are other life forms that are way smarter than humans!
*... ghosts? yes/no i'm scared of them though
*... heaven? yes
*... hell? yes
*... cheating? no
***Which is better ...***
*Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
*Sprite or 7-Up? sprite
*Girls or guys? girls rules! not in a lesbiany way
*Flowers or candy? both
*Scruff or clean-shaven? cleannn! easier to kiss that person XD
*Quiet or loud? ssh quiet
*Pools or hot tubs? o_o;;; never been in a hot tub..so dunno
*Blondes or brunettes? neither
*Bitchy or slutty? neither
*One pillow or two? twooo!
*Pants or shorts? pants
*Gap, American Eagle, or Columbia? gap! ^_^.. ..
***The Preferred Sex***
*What do you notice first? the way they act/personality
*Last person you slow danced with? myself? j/k
*Worst thing to do: ?uh
*Best place you know of to go: huh?
*Short or long hair? short hair for boys ^_^
*Piercings or none? eww none
***The last time you...****
*...showered? 3 hours ago
*... had sex? ermm..never
*... have been to a party? last month to yuulei's ^____^ was the greatest
*... had a great time with the opposite sex? ???
***What is...***
*... your good luck charm? my mind?
*... [who is] the person you hate the most? umm.. no comment
*... the worst song you've ever heard? my auntie's voice
*... the best thing that has happened to you today? today?! ^_^ well..hmm.. today spectacular happened
yet..now if tupper will get off away, that'd be a different story
*Color: orange/white/baby blue
*Movie: don't remember
*Book: harry potter series!
*Subject in School: art/english
*Online buds: lots and lots of oodles and noodles of them <333333
*Place to go when you have no where to go: bathroom don't ask
*Cars: one of those shiny cars! (don't know much about cars ;-;)
*Food: SUSHI, RAMEN, SUSHI, all night and day! lets go out, and eat them YAY!
*Ice cream: strawberries
*Soft drink: nothing in particular
*Sports to watch: uhh
*Holiday: christmas, thanksgiving
*Season: winter!!/summer!!
*Breakfast food: eggs, bread, bacon, .... (sushi)
*Place to go with your honey: anywhere he wants to.. ^__^;;
*Place to go with your friends: arcade/backyard
*... makes you laugh the most? hmm .. hmmmmmm well.. jagen use to make me laugh a whole lot..but no one now XD
*... makes you smile? tupper, and funny ppl
*... gives you a funny feeling when you see them? t and upper
*... has a crush on you? no one
*... do you have a crush on? no one, we're in l<3ve
*... gives you kisses? mommee
*... do you like to kiss? correction: WOULD like to kiss..
*... has it easier, guys or girls? who else
***Do you ever...***
*... sit by the phone waiting for a call all night? who would call me at night? @_@ except internation friends but no
*... save AOL conversations? deadaimrox
*... save emails? important ones
*... wish you were someone else? not really
*... wish you were a member of the opposite sex? ewww noo!!
*... want to look differently? no ^_^
*... cried because of someone's mean words? nope