So here it is. The gist, as it were.
For those who don't know, my friend and co creator, Jeff Niesen and myself have undertaken creating a comic. Yes, a comic book; in theory a monthly publication containing stories told through pictures and words. I have some concept drawings and excerpts posted in my MySpace blog, however for my Livejournal friends and family, those whom I dare not force the trials and tribulations of "the space" on, I thought it a good idea to post more here. In addition, I felt that this would be a more personal outlet, as MySpace is primarily a badge of sorts, a way to show off one's pictures, comments, technical specs, etc., where as Livejournal, by definition, is a vehicle rooted in dialogue: the only real reason people are on Livejournal are to read, or at least I would assume.
I apologize if you've seen these images before. I'm dying for something new, but Jeff seems to be taking his time (Ha! I kid buddy, I kid). A few years back I began writing a screenplay, many of you might know about this, and I got a good ways into it; not too far, but what I had I thought, and was told, was decent. I think a lot of this is going to be loosely based off of that screenplay, perhaps. Especially the general dialogue and interactions. I'm going to post two pages, random pages really, containing some of the dialogue. I think some of this dialogue in particular is directly borrowed from a conversation Anthony and I had once at a Bennigans way back when. I'm sure he'll know what I'm referring to.
That's about it, I suppose. I hope you guys like what you read, and if not, you'll give it a chance anyway if and when it ever gets published. I hope this is a good step in the right direction as far as being more open and social goes. We'll see though. As usual, feedback is always appreciated.