Hi everyone,
Here's the lastest update on my back surgery in case you hadn't heard.
I'm going in the hospital tomorrow morning for spinal fusion surgery.
I will be going to the hospital to arrive between 8:30 and 9:00.
My surgery is scheduled for 11:00 AM.
I'll be hospitalized for 3-5 days, then home for recovery.
zeyr and the boy are going to try to take care of the animals for me,
but anyone who wants to help them out will probably be very very welcome.
I believe that
quezz will also be helping with the puppy.
I'll be in the Newton-Wellesley Hospital, under my current married name, in the
care of Dr. Mitchell Hardenbrook with the Boston Spine Group in
the Spine Center.
Wish me luck.
While I'm in surgery and until I'm recovered,
roaming will have my cell phone.
roaming is here tonight, she is taking me to the hospital in the morning, and
she will stay there until I'm out of surgery, at least, so that someone knows what's
going on and can fill in info for eveyrone. She will put updates on HER livejournal,
roaming or in her hubby's livejournal,
lensman If you're looking for info or want to find out what's going on, you can call
my cell - either you will get an update from
roaming or you'll simply reach me
(or whomever is in my room at the time).
roaming is wicked awesome and a great person so please be nice and don't
overwhelm her, but she will be happy to answer calls from people checking
In theory, I will be going home Thursday or Friday. The caveat here is that
the hospital will not release me until I am able to walk to their satisfaction,
which sounds painful, but hey.
Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone, I have high hppes for a quick and
complete recovery and larping in May! Huzzah!
- Jet