(no subject)

Jul 15, 2006 21:50


Fun entry today!

So, i've had another post-oral surgery day. Lots of useless TV watching and some napping. And face scratching because for some reason a side effect of the Oxy-Codine they gave me is that my nose and face becomes extremely itchy. Strange, eh?

Ok, so, over the past, I dunno, 8 years or so I've been trying to figure out the names of some of the movies I found so disturbing and yet so amazing that I saw as a kid. Only these fleeting images pop into my head from these movies once in a blue moon but I know the mix of panic and awe that I had while watching them has molded what I find interesting: like high tension power lines and radiohead. :)

So, last year I discovered that one of these movies was The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. The images I could remember were: robin william's head floating in space with an elizabethan-era collar around his neck; a man pulling himself out of the water by his facial hair; and death roaming a city that looked like it came from a pop-up book.
But now I know that movie! So I can connect those images to an actual movie and not actually wonder if I might have dreamt it all.
Another movie that used to fit into this "did i actually watch a movie that fucked up as a kid??" category is The Last Unicorn, but I got to rewatch that in Iceland when 5 of us were sitting around and came to the collective realization that we had all loved that movie when we were wee. The best part about watching that movie over again? Hearing Jeff Bridges try to sing a love song.... I swore to the other people watching it that I would play that at my wedding, should I ever get married.... but it was so bad, it was good. I highly recommend it.

But here's the movies that I just rediscovered on the internet:
One was an anime movie I had on a recorded tape from a family friend. I watched it as a kid but could never watch the end because I thought it was too sad and intense. Turns out that it's called (depending on which english version you get) The Fantastic Adventures of Unico! Another movie I've had images seared into my brain from was called Fantastic Planet; which not only shares the word Fantastic in its name, but is also a foreign film, like the Unico movie. Although, Planet is french.... and so that should tip you off that it's a weird WEIRD movie. Remember that song with a chorus that went: "We'll make great pets"? Well, that's the premise of the movie; humans end up as the pets of giant aliens and the story line follows a 'pet' as he fights for equality and freedom for the other 'pets'. Thank you Google, IMDB, and the wacky people that actually remember these movies and catalogue them in cyber-space!!! Now I just need to find these movies and some people wacky enough to watch them with me... mainly to protect me from myself it I revert into a scared 5 year old after reliving these movies.

Well, enough of this nostalgic fun. Its time for bed.
See you on the morrow!

children's movies that shouldn't be show

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