I need to post to get rid of a lot of steam. So much has been happening, I don't know where to begin. I've already finished an exam and three assignments. I have submitted my Prospectus for my Masters Research Project (thesis). My legal briefings have been chugging along, case by case, and I'm absorbing case law as spongelike as I can. Law Journal citation checking is coming due soon, but there are so many details I don't know how I'll get it done. I am also applying for my PRI job for the summer, which is trickier than I thought.
I am heading to Montreal for the weekend, as I'm sick of Kingston for the moment. I will be in Ottawa Friday night, and then off to Montreal Saturday morning and back to Kingston on Monday. It is an expensive trip, but I won't have any more opportunities to travel until May, so I thought I'd take it. Reading Week will be out of the question (not to mention ridiculously cold, as indigo_mallorn and I found out two years ago), as my Research Project full draft is due the day we get back from that. Not to mention I've become the biggest procrastinator on the planet. I had an assignment due today, and here was me last night:
"Oh, it's 19:00. No biggie. I'll just wait until this song finishes, and then get started."
"Shoot, I should go home, it's 22:30. So I can get away from the internet and get some work done on this assignment."
"Candles are pretty. I'm going to light some, and do my law readings by candlelight. I should really do those, since it's 23:00 and I have to do them or I'll have no clue what's going on tomorrow."
"Well, law readings done. It's 0:00. Should probably get going on that assignment. But there's a couple of other things left on my to-do list. I should clear those up."
"One of the things on my to-do list was a half-finished drawing, which was very fun to complete. Now it's 2:30. I guess I should really start thinking about that assignment."
"Hey hey! It's 3:30, and I'm done my assignment! Darn, I have to edit it, and print it. I'd better do that now because if I don't, I won't be able to wake up in time to do it."
"All done and ready to go. Oh darn, I didn't bother to read the assignment sheet that says we are to submit it electronically. But I can't go back to my office to the internet, because it's 4:00. Bedtime."
"Snooze on my alarm until 8:00, class at 8:30. Run to my office, to submit the paper electronically. A fast read indicates that there are some errors due to late night work. I correct those, and submit. Darn it, I'm late for class because it's 9:00. All those readings for nothing!"
In other, better news, I think I have finally convinced my supervisor that my research topic is useful. Check this out:
http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=94dd85e3-86f9-45d8-9cb0-e1a7afe6b805 Headline: "Private firm trains Canadian Troops."
So perhaps my research is going to be useful after all. And relevant to Canada.