-- Name: Sierra Breann
-- Birthdate: December 15th, 1989
-- Age: 15
-- Age you act: 18
-- Birthplace: America
-- Current Location: Imperial, California
-- Eye Color: light brown
-- Hair Color: dark brown, or black
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie
-- Favorite Alcoholic Drink: coors.... i guess
-- Favorite Ice Cream: gelato only thanks.
-- Your heritage: my mum is Hispanic/Spanish and my dad is Indian/Irish/Philipino... so im a mutt.
-- The shoes you wore today: bare foot
-- Your hair: long...layers...bangs....
-- Your fears: becoming a hobo
What is.
-- Your most overused phrase: gosh, who cares and no
-- Your thoughts first waking up: no. go back sleep
-- The first aspects of the opposite sex: eyes, teeth, hair and style
-- you best physical feature- I don't know
-- Your bedtime: I'm a big girl now, whenever I want.
-- Your most missed memory: being 4 and living by the ocean... bob marley in the backround...
You Prefer.
-- Pepsi or coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: neither, I hate them both.
-- Single or group dates: single dates. It’s not a date otherwise!
-- Adidas or Nike: old school adidas.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ghetto tea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, of course
-- Cappuccino or coffee: iced hazelnut coffee
-- Boxers or briefs: boxers!! Briefs disturb me.
Do You.
-- Smoke: no way.
-- Cuss: I hate that I love to swear
-- Sing well: when i'm alone
-- Take a shower everyday: yessum
-- Have a crush: I don't do crushes anymore
-- Who are they: shut up
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes, unfortunately.
-- Want to go to college: boston... my life's mission
-- Like high school: it's okay..
-- Want to get married: I do
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes, me and home row are tiight.
-- Believe in yourself: I have my moments
-- Get motion sickness: hah..
-- Think you're attractive: I don't think like that
-- Think you're a health freak: no.
-- Get along with your parents: yes and no, everyone has their moments.
-- Like thunderstorms: adore.
In the past month, did/have you.
-- Done a drug: tsss...
-- Have Sex: ...no
-- Made Out: c'mon...
-- Go on a date: :(
-- Go to the mall? shit... no! :(
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nay
-- Eaten sushi: boo!
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: with vinnie inny inny and mimi eemy eemy
-- Made homemade cookies: [oh finally] YES!
-- Been in love: i think, i hope, yes? yes.. yes :)
-- Gone skinny dipping: nuh uh
-- Dyed your hair: asjkhdasd no
-- Stolen anything: nope
Have you ever.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: teehee..
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes...yes I have
-- Been caught "doing something": hahaha...
-- Been called a tease: boys are stupid like that
-- Gotten beaten up: nope
-- Shoplifted: When I was 9 I stole quaters from my grandmas droor so I could buy those dammed stickers at dell taco...
-- If so, did you get caught: no :)
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no. I like that I’m lame.
The future.
-- Age you hope to be married: 25-27 at least
-- Number of Children: 2.
-- Dream Wedding: small, by the ocean... or in a garden... ahh heck idk...
-- How do you want to die: dancing
-- Where you want to go to college: boston
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A professional photographer and rich.... and happy
-- What countries would you most like to visit: British Columbia, Japan, Spain, Amsterdam, Norway, France, England, Ireland, Brazil, and Peru
Opposite sex.
-- Best eye color?: green/blue/grey/hazel or brown
-- Best hair color? Black/brown
-- Short or long hair?: medium :)
-- Best height: tall!
-- Best weight: skinny! We need to share our clothes.
-- Best articles of clothing: sprayed on jeans.
-- Best first date location: dates suck...
-- Best first kiss location: beach....
Number of.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 3?
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: no one.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Jesus Christ, eleventy billion.
-- Number of piercings: ears.
-- Number of scars on my body: 2
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I’ll never tell
Yes or No
you keep a diary = yes.
You like to cook = yes! I burn most of everything though.
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone = many
you fold your underwear = no!
You talk in your sleep = golly gosh idk but thats something to find out
you set your watch a few minutes ahead =2 minutes
you bite your fingernails = yeuck! disgusting habbit
you believe in love = with all my heart
x. movie you watched = mean girls
x. song you listened to = "styrophone plates" death cab for cutie
x. song you've downloaded = ?
x. cd you bought = afi
x. person you've called = vinnie
x. person that's called you = mimi
x. tv show you've watched = hollywood makeover with mom
x. person you were thinking of? brian and dad.. not as a consecutive whole.. but yeah
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = oh yes.
x. think about suicide = yes, not seriously. not even a little bit.
x. you believe in online dating = no
x. others find you attractive = how would I know? as long as brian does... i'm happy
x. you want more piercing = plugs
x. you want more tattoos = sure... not that I have any to begin with
x. you do drugs = drugs? as in...what..
x. you smoke = nu uh
x. you like cleaning = contrary to popular belief... sometimes I love to.
x. you like roller coasters = I love roller coasters.
x. you write in cursive or print = both
x. do you carry a donor card = no?
Have you.
x. ever cried over a girl/boy = durr..
x. ever lied to someone = yes... I think I've lied to EVERYONE at least once
x. ever been in a fist fight = yes
x. ever been arrested = nu uh
x. shampoo do you use = whatever I grab first
x. cologne do you use = whatever is about
x. shoes do you wear = depends on the weather.... latetly anyways
Your friends.
Who makes you laugh the most? mallorie and lenny
Who has the best advice?: kenny and stephanie when we are not mad at eachother...
Who's been through the most with you?: Without a doubt steph
Most Random?: mimi and vinnie... CODE RED CODE RED!!
Most could-be-mistaken-for-being-high?: Wes fucking Dunn.
Lives the closest?: alot of ppl live close to me...
Have you dated and regretted?: I don't date my friends.
Loves ya the most?: I don't know. but I love them.