On Snowshoeing and Slides

Dec 26, 2010 19:33

Life here in Sandpoint is considerably different from Atlanta, in much the same way that life in Atlanta is different from life, say, on the moon. The hardest part has honestly (and forgive me if I'm repeating myself) been adjusting to the fact that drivers will stop for pedestrians waiting on the side of the road. The fact that this is hard to adjust to says something about life in Atlanta, I think. The speed limits are low, and people follow them. Right of way means something. If you say "hi" to someone you'll get a friendly response, and if you ask a question you'll either get an answer or directions to someone who'll give you one. My boss and co workers are all exactly the right kind of nuts, and there are a lot of fellow cooks here. It's a nice place. For all that I miss about Atlanta- and for that matter, the entire Atlantic seaboard (you know who and where I mean)- the general quality of life here in Sandpoint seems to affirm the effort we expended in moving here. Maybe a week and two days isn't a terribly complete picture, but it's a good one so far.

In keeping with Audrey's and my1 general quest to do lots of outdoor things because they're fun, we went snowshoeing today at Schweitzer Mountain. Overall reaction: like it. It's nice to be able to go hiking when there's powder on the ground. I've always thought that forests are really pretty in the winter, and snowshoes are a good way to explore them. We got a good idea of what it's all about, too, since the group we were with was pretty small and seemed well up to the challenge. We followed trails for a bit, then we blazed them for a bit as well. It's very peaceful in the winter in the cover of an old growth forest. Audrey is excited about getting our own sets of snowshoes, and I think I agree with her. It appeals to me to have the option of going off into the woods on a snowy day and not coming home soaked up to the knees and shivering. Add a camera and a thermos and you're all set.

On an unrelated note, don't let anyone ever tell you that it's not fun to pull handbrake turns in slushy supermarket parking lots when they're mostly empty. Providing you watch out for traffic and those islands at the ends of the rows, it's a blast... Of course, a mid-rear setup would be even more fun, but that's a thought for another day. In the meantime, remember- seeking extreme pleasure will make you a better person if you're careful about what thrills you.

-The Proprietor

1Oh yeah, we're engaged now by the way.
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