(no subject)

Feb 05, 2006 19:58

Have you ever...

1. Smoked a cigarette?

2.Smoked a cigar?
Took a drag of a flavored one once...it was pretty good, I'm just too afraid of inhaling accidentally and getting sick

3. Made out with a member of the same seX?

4. Crashed a friend's car?
No, thank goodness

5. Stolen a car?
I take my mom's without asking every so often...but I really don't think that counts.

6. Been in love?
I'm not sure

7. Been dumped?

8. Shoplifted?
No, I'm too chicken

9. Been fired?
Nope, even though I cursed out my old boss. Ha, good times.

10. Been in a fist fight?
Not a for-real one

11. Snuck out of my parent's house?
Nope, too scared. She would have found out!

12. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?
All the time!

13. Been arrested?
No, hopefully never will be.

15. Gone on a blind date?
I guess Keith would count as a blind date, but we're not gonna talk about that!

16. Lied to a friend?

17. Had a crush on a teacher?

18. Skipped school?
Only in college

19. Slept with a co-worker?
I don't think so...not even innocently

20. Seen someone die?
Yeah, I was in the room when my uncle took his last breath...it was weird, but amazing. Wow, I hadn't thought of that in a while.

21. Hurt someone?
I'm sure I have, though people don't usually tell me.

22. Thrown up in a bar?
No, but there are many years to come

23. Taken painkillers?
OH, indeed

24. Love someone or miss someone right now?

25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yes, I love it...I should do it more often

26. Played dress up?
Yea, I love that my friends throw formal parties...it's like getting ready for school dances without having to go through the hell that is high school again.

27. Cheated while playing a game?
Indeed...always used to cheat at Clue, in fact.

28. Been lonely?
Oh so often

29. Felt an earthquake?
No, I live in Minnesota

30. Touched a snake?
Yeah, I don't like them though

31. Ran a red light?
I didn't think so, but the cop did. (But I didn't get a ticket, thank goodness!)

32. Been suspended from school?
Yep...in-school once for telling a girl she smelled. Out of school once for slamming Tom Anderson's head into a locker...it was an accident, but they had to suspend me anyway...stupid!

33. Had detention?
Saturday school once...does that count?

34. Been in a car accident?
Once, when Meghan was driving...she hit my car. No, wait, she sideswiped me car. But it had already been hit on the same side in a hit-and-run.

35. Hated the way you look?
Yeah, though I'm pretty comfortable with me most of the time.

36. Witnessed a crime?
Yep...used to see shoplifters all the time at Snyders...even caught a few of them.

37. Pole danced?

38. Questioned your heart?
Oh so many times

39. Been lost?
Yep, but I can usually figure it out now.

40. Been to the other side of the country?
Well, I live in the midwest, so really what's the other side? I've been to Arizona...but not east or west coast.

41. Felt like dying?
Multiple times...right after my knee surgery, when doing rehab for my knee after surgery....when waking up from my foot surgery...a few times because of my depression.

42. Cried yourself to sleep?

43. Played cops and robbers?
No, I didn't really ever get to play with kids except at school and that game wasn't allowed.

44. Sung karaoke?
No, though maybe sometime if I'm really drunk

45. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
A few things, all related. Well, sorta related.

46. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
Indeed...my mom intentionally says funny things when I'm taking a drink of something.

47. Glued your hand to something?

48. Worn the opposite sex's clothes?
Men's mesh shorts are my favorite...and I wore men's hockey equipment, if that counts. But I can't wear most men's pants cuz my ass is too big.

49. Been a cheerleader?
I'm proud to say I haven't

50. Been scared to watch a scary movie alone?
Yeah, I'll only do it in the daytime, and then only if I've seen it before.

51. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
I don't believe so

52. Been told u were hot by a complete stranger?
Yes, by creepy old men

53. Been easily amused?
Yes, just ask me to tell you the 4 jokes I know that I think are hillarious.

54. Laughed so hard you cried?

55. Cried so hard you laughed?
Yeah, I cry easily, so then I laugh cuz I feel dumb

56. Cheated on a test?

57. Forgotten someone's name?
All the time

58. Sleep naked?
Oh yeah, that's the best

59. Gone skinny dipping in a pool?

60. Been kicked out of your house?
Nope, though it's been threatened multiple times.

Now its your turn...
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