I've been busy making my way in the world these days, so I've not posted anything, but I have been reading. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats waiting for what I was going to post next. I've had a job for the last four weeks working at my Uncle's
store right down the street. I won't be back at the
Chestico Museum this summer even though they wanted me back and I enjoyed the job. Plain and simple I'm making a lot more money at North End Building Supplies. And I'll be 63% handier before the summer is out.
I'm also back at home for the summer again, which gives me a lot of time to kill since no one else is around. I've been reading through a large stack of books and writing some fiction (of which you will soon see some evidence) to kill the time. So I don't expect to be as industrious in posting this summer as last, mainly because I don't have internet access at work, not because this summer is shaping up to be less interesting.
I will post something about aliens this evening so keep an eye out dear readers.