May 21, 2007 18:19
So, despite the schedule I was so great about posting last time I ventured onto the internet, I have only had about 3 days off since I started working.
This means I've passed whatever level of worker I have to be to stay employed, straight into the realm of being called in for extra. Many of my coworkers are impressed by just how quickly I catch on and I continue to know more than most of the people hired at the same time as me.
I'm still really happy at the job, it just wears me out. I hadn't been online at ALL (not even turned on a computer, minus the cash registers at work!) since my last post. That'd be... *counts* 14 days. Not a new record or anything, but... yeah... definitely quite worn out from work if I don't even have the energy to catch up on LiveJournal and visit Gaia.
I guess I just needed more than 1 day a week to recuperate. Plus, we did get the apartment (wewt!), so there's trying to pack.
And Mom moved back up North yesterday (taking my brother with her).
And my grandfather (my last grand parent) is in the hospital. =/
...anyway. I'm still alive, as those of you who were to either of the parties I attended Saturday would know. Congratulations, newest Hamline grads! Sorry your graduation got moved, too, but at least you didn't graduate from a stinky hockey arena. D= (yes, still bitter)