This is the most interesting survey I've ever come across...
BTW, in case you all didn't know, I have a GreatestJournal Account, so if any of you also have accounts with GJ, and wish to add me, my userinfo is
HERE My journal at GJ is much more prettyful than here...
You're battling a diabolical enemy, and he suddenly presents you with two groups of hostages. The first group contains only your lover of five years, and the second group contains 100 people whom you've never met nor seen before. The enemy says he'll free only one group, but kill the other. Which group would you save, and which group would you let die?
Since I'm not a superhero, in which case I would cunningly be able to defeat the diabolical enemy, and rescue both groups, getting laid in the end, I suppose I'd... I don't know. Define this lover. I mean, if it's someone who I'm unbelievably and madly in love with, who loves me in return, fuck the 100 people, they're probably evil minons posing as hostages anyways, but if it's just someone that I love, someone that might not love me back, fuck that, I'd save the people even if I knew they were minons.
You've somehow discovered the meaning to human existence. What is it?
You're presented with a choice. You can choose to have the most beautiful person of the opposite sex yours forever, you can have infinite knowledge of the world and the universe, or you can have wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams. Which do you choose?
I don't want the most beautiful person of the opposite sex. I want the guy (and I stress guy, penis NOT optional) that I can be with forever. If he happens to be the victim of a tragic grenoble-like nuclear accident, so be it. I don't care. Not to sound all cheesy or whatever, but I'd rather be with someone who is ugly but has good personality than with someone unbelievably pretty who is a total and complete jerk, mind you we're talking about forever here... one night stands would be a VERY different story. So, I would choose knowledge I guess...
--Story: The Odd Forest--
You are currently walking along a rather boring field when you happen to see a large, luscious forest before you. As you approach a break in the trees, a small woodland creature asks you to pay to enter the forest. He asks not for money, but for your most prized possession. What are you forced to surrender?
Wouldn't your most prized possesion be your life? I mean, is there any question? Without your life, there wouldn't be any other possesions... but that would defeat the purpose of going to the forest I guess... you'd die before you got in. So, in the interests of not totally ruining the story, I suppose my sight or hearing or something. I don't know what I'd do without music or art.
You find a weed-covered path inside the forest and begin your walk. You soon reach a fork in the road. To the left, there is a wooden sign that says "pond". To the right, there is another sign. On it is the thing that most angers to you. If you go right, what will you encounter?
It's really best that I don't answer this question.
You go left, and stumble upon a serene pond in the vast forest. This is no ordinary pond, for it reflects your greatest fear. When you gaze into it, what do you see?
Abandonment, death alone.
You walk beyond the pond and see two young children fighting about something. The smallest child insists that your greatest desire is to escape the forest, but the taller child is correctly guessing your greatest desire. What is the taller child saying?
True freedom... from everything, including existence.
You peacefully end the children's quarrel, and they invite you into their home in gratitude. On their kitchen table is a plate of your favorite dish. What is it?
...I don't know... there'd be a lot of different foods I guess... fruits and candy and chicken.
You eat the delicious food, thank the children, and then proceed out of the house. You find the path in the forest and being walking it. Along the way you see a beggar. The beggar is pleading for whatever you can spare. You reach into your pockets and give the contents to the beggar. What do you give?
Although I have $50, I can only spare about $30 because I need some of it for groceries later this week.
You seem to be reaching the edge of the forest, for the woodland creature has reappeared. He bears your most prized possession, and says you must complete a task in order to have it returned to you. He says that the task is to do the thing you have tried, and tried, and tried to do, but have never been able to complete. What must you do?
Acheive true happiness without the aid of any other being.
You miraculously complete the task, and are reunited with your most prized possession. The woodland gives you a little something extra, your least favorite belonging. What must you now unwillingly carry?
Memories, regrets, and a feeling I can't seem to rid myself of.
You draw nearer to a break in some trees, but the children from before are here, once again fighting. This time, they are trying to decide who should get to keep a gold coin they found on the path. The taller child insists he should keep the coin because he is the stronger of the two, but the shorter insists he should keep it because he is older. You can think of only one solution to the problem. You decide that you should keep the coin. The children agree, but want something in return. They want the best thing your parents have ever given to you. What do you trade in exchange for the gold coin?
Again, I think it would be my life, but seeing as that would ruin the story, I suppose, my will to learn or something.
You reach another break in the trees, one you hope is the exit to the forest. You hear a noise, and turn around to see that you were followed by the person you most loathe. Who has been following you?
Again, really best I don't answer.
You decide to ignore the person and press on through the break, but are stopped by the woodland creature, the children, and the beggar. They all smile at you and thank you for coming into the forest. They have been lonely for so long, because so few people wish to forfeit their most prized possession. In gratitude, they offer you something you once had, but lost. What do you get as a reward for going into the forest?
Hmph... something I never wanted back. Glad I lost it, and yet it still lingers.
You leave the forest, and the woodland creature stops you one last time. He asks you for your name, your birthday, and your place of birth. He says it's for recordkeeping purposes, so what do you tell him?
Courtney Danielle Wright, February 6th, 1988, Santa Maria, CA.
You look back at the forest as you walk away and reflect upon your travel. As you do this, the children run out, screaming and crying. They say that the person you love most is trapped inside by the person you most loathe. Who is the captor, and who is the captive?
Strangely, I think they would be the same person.
You decide to return to the forest to save your loved one. You are unsure of what is happening inside the seemingly peaceful place, but you know that your loved one needs you. You request that the children deliver a message to your family in case you don't return from the forest. What is your final message?
I wouldn't be able to think of one. I guess just to tell them that I love them or something... I'm not really poetic about such things.
Maybe we can meet again further down the river.