(no subject)

May 23, 2004 21:06

So... my kickass art project is going to be even more kickass than originally predicted. Why? Because I've added political jargon to it. Damn confusing jargon too.

But seriously, it is pretty awesome right now. I went through all my old doodles and shit, and I cut them all up and pasted them onto the canvas along with some newspaper clippings, and one particular piece of newspaper which was a pig, which I printed on

'eat eat eat want want want buy buy buy

Plus, there's this piece of an old poem on there, and it's written in this code thing I made when I was like six, and I can't remember what it says, and also, blink-182 lyrics. Buttons, NSL notes, a short comic strip, and some hershey's kisses wrappers (I got hungry whilist gluing (glueing?)). So later, after I add a few more bits of newspaper and whatnot (I'm thinking about putting Q-tips on it for some reason), I'm going to paint a giant picture of Morpheus (from the sandman not the matrix, fool) over it. I'm thinking about using some sort of red glaze type thing to paint the colored part of the cape so that the images underneath it show through a bit... or maybe watering down the paint, something like that.

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. I wonder if anyone has made that analogy before...

I would just like to say, that I love michelle. Apparently, I angered her last week, but now she loves me again. Yay! I LURVE YOU MICHIKINS!

I'm already insane.
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