Name: Kurosaki Ichigo -- juuuust in case it wasn't stated enough in canon, Ichigo (spelt with different kanji) means strawberry, and all Japanese people/people who know Japanese would know this. So. Feel free to mention.
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown -- a.k.a. the Only Normal Thing About Ichigo.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 134 lbs
Bloodtype: AO
Medical Info: CONTAINS TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT OF BLOOD OF A NORMAL HUMAN. ALSO MIGHT POSSIBLY BE DISTANTLY RELATED TO COCKROACHES, AS HE DOES NOT DIE. EVER. He just bleeds everywhere, usually from his Obligatory Forehead Wound(tm). Oh, OFW. We've had some good times.
Physical Traits: MASSIVE. SCOWL. This is Ichigo's thing. He scowls. ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. Even when he's not scowling, he's still got his eyebrows all furrowed so he looks kind of constipated. HUGE SCOWLY FACE MAKER. Because he's an emo kid on the inside and it HIDES HIS PAIN. I'm not kidding.
Otherwise, he's pretty physically normal for a teenage boy. He does have an absurd amount of scars, but those are mostly not... in visible places. Unless you get to see those non-visible places, then well. YOU WON'T BE LOOKING AT THE SCARS AMIRITE.
What's Okay to Mention: ANYTHING. BRING IT ON BITCHES. I really don't care what you mention around him, because. lolol. His brain makes funny noises when it breaks. Sex usually does this the best. The kid is SERIOUSLY REPRESSED and talk of girl parts and boy parts makes him shit many, many bricks. I don't even mind the HAY I NO U FROM A MANGA thing either. Because fourth walls are fun!
What's Not Okay to Mention: WELL. If you really want to piss him off/make him angst, you'd mention his mother, his family, his mother, his hollow, his MOTHER, HIS MOTHER, AND OH, HIS MOTHER. He just. DOES NOT WANT TALK ABOUT HER. Because she's dead and it was all his fauuuuuult and wah wahhhhhhh.
Notes For the Psychics: Ichigo is A GIGANTIC GLOWING BEACON OF WANGST AND EMO. Though, I guess, if you were to try to read his mind, you would get like, one of five modes. BE A JERK. PROTECT PEOPLE. BROOD ABOUT SOMETHING. PROTECT MORE PEOPLE. STUDY. And that's it. Anything else, and he gets all confused and it's not very pretty.
Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: Yes/Sure/Hell yes. Ichigo doesn't really dig the whole physical contact thing, but if you have someone that actually wants to hug/kiss him? GO FOR IT. NO, REALLY, GO FOR IT. I won't guarantee he won't try to rip your face off, though. As for nicknames, Strawberry is most popular, and therefore least amusing for him, but anything you can come up with is cool.
Maiming/Killing/Death: Sure/Maybe/Maybe. Maiming? Totally cool. Happens to him quite a lot. Killing people? Not so much. Ichigo is a major wimp when it comes to killing people, and I just. I don't think I can let him kill anyone. He hasn't yet in canon and I don't plan on changing that. And death? ONCE AGAIN. RELATED TO COCKROACHES. DOES NOT DIE. You can certainly try, though.
Other Facts: He most wants to meet Al Pacino, the person he most admires is Mike Ness (of Social Distortion, not the guy who arrested Al Capone), and his favorite author is Shakespeare. YES, SHAKESPEARE, WTF. He also likes chocolate, spicy foods, and his... interesting sense of fashion. Anyone who's seen a Bleach colorspread knows this. It kinda burns itself into your retinas.
ETA: As a note for those who can see ghosts/spirits, Ichigo has the ability to remove his soul from his body, so when he's in his shinigami form, only those who are spiritually inclined can see him. Also, he has a crapload of reiatsu, or spirit pressure, that he doesn't know how to put a lid on, so if you're even more spiritually sensitive, you'd be able to sense him coming a mile away, and about a hundred miles away when he's in his shinigami form. CONTROL IS FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN'T ICHIGO.
TL;DR BOTTOM LINE: normal people wouldn't be able to sense anything weird about him or be able to see him when he's out of his body, while special people would.