Mar 19, 2009 15:15
just for the fun of it, I've spent several hours today going through my various Linux boxen bringing them up-to-date. considering one of 'em was still on fedora core 4, you might say I've been lax over the last few years :-P me, the ex-security weenie running something that isn't even a supported release these days? eep.
it's really been interesting to see how much my sys-guru skills have atrophied. I used to be able to speak uber-fluent regex in my sleep. I still remember all of the day-to-day commands and options, file locations and whatnot... and I'd still consider myself pretty proficient... but it was a little distressing seeing the number of times I had to hit up man pages to configure the more esoteric stuff. these were things I could easily pull out of rote memory four years ago. I used to be able to write snort and ipchains rules on the fly.
I've also got a collection of various tools and shell scripts I've written over the years that I move onto every new machine I build. I popped a few of the more complicated ones open to read just for nostalgic reasons -- and jeebus, I'm rusty. I'm totally anal-rententive when it comes to commenting my code... thank god... because half of the regex-heavy stuff I wrote looks like modem noise years later.
methinks I need to spend a couple of weeks dipping back into the tech.