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Jan 04, 2008 10:13

From the LA Times article "Presidential candidates, media shift to New Hampshire":
"With prime-time debates for both parties scheduled Saturday night, ABC News announced that it was eliminating Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon) from the GOP debate. On the Democratic side, Sens. Joseph Biden of Delaware and Christopher Dodd of Connecticut pulled out of the race after their low showings in Iowa, and ABC uninvited Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel from the debate lineup. ABC had earlier notified candidates that they would be eliminated if they did not place in the top four slots in Iowa, or poll at least 5% or higher in the latest New Hampshire or national polls" (Johanna Neuman and Michael Finnegan, http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-campaign5jan05,0,1392508.story?coll=la-home-center, retrieved 4 Jan. 2008).
I feel better knowing that a large corporate media outlet is vetting the candidates for us. Admittedly, Hunter, Kucinish and Gravel may continue to campaign. However, without being in the debates, they are not seen, which is the equivalent of not existing in mainstream politics.
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