Jul 15, 2005 12:19
It's been raining on/off for the last few days. I keep having to shut the storm window in my room because it leaks into my brother's room if it's open, and so it's been really hot in my room. So i've been sleeping downstairs on the couch.
I haven't been able to fall asleep in my bed anyway. As soon as i lay down, my eyes pop wide open and i am just laying there for hours, thinking, formulating, replaying scenarios in my head, creating conversations, consciously or not--it's awful. I just can't get to sleep.
The couch is soothing in a way. I fall right to sleep down there. But on the couch I have weird dreams. Last night I had a dream about a friend of mine, and he went to Berlin and came back with this killer mindset. He was all about killing people.
Last night we went to IHOP with these two bands Twelve O One and Hawthorn. They were nice. Justin came too and that was fun.
I am so tired lately. All the time.
You guys should go to the record exchange and buy my cd. support the local scene, hahahahha.
Geez, i really have just about nothing at all to say. Bedford is lame. Lynchburg is almost just as bad. In fact every place is really just.. dull lately.
Stupid rainy days.
I hear Boston's a nice city.
I think we're all a little tired, I think we're all a little scared
Maybe we would feel inspired, If we really felt like someone cared
We're all the same, you know we dont have any names, we are just numbers, you and I, statistics in some textbook in the sky.
Everything is so tiresome and methodical. The dominoes hit and the fall and they continue to fall. With every action comes a reaction, people are affected by events in their lives and nobody is quite the same as they start out.
We grow we are molded we are taken from we are lived through we are walked on we are stepped on we step on others we all want we all need we all get what we want in whatever way we can. This is life, this cycle, this giving this taking, you can see it in the rain that falls--it's just recycled and sent back up to the clouds--it's all one big methodical cycle, this big moving masterpiece of inevitable disaster and suicide--it can't all be so monotonous. Something's got to break, someone's going to crack. Insanity is not abnormal--it is completely understandable.
We're so lost in some illusion
that we've got all the answers in our Brain
I look at the clones of society and the psychiatric patient
And I wonder who's really insane?
Notice when it ends, someone always asks, "Can we still be friends?"
Well I guess that depends on how quickly it mends
Cuz we've set trends that can't bend unless they break.
does it hurt your fairy tale mindset to hear my tongue so void of sentiment?
cuz i believe in love but to an extent, and i'd rather just forget about it
I knew it once, though i was young, i know that it was real, dont you tell me it wasnt real, dont you tell me what i feel, because i know what i felt.
and it stole my heart like a special treasure, then it changed it's mind and threw me out, and i was young and i'm three years older and i still can't figure it out.
and i hit a note that ripped your coat cuz you raised you arms to lift your hands to cover up your ears, to cover up your fears
and the glass has cracked right down the side, the vase has split and for your sake i hope you do not step on it, cuz it might cut your foot, and that might make you slip.
I feel i'm chasing everyone away, and we all see it and we all feel it, but we won't say it--we're all fading
cuz you know he's gone and she's gone, and we just pretend now to be friends, put on a show till the party ends, we'll go our ways, never make ammends, and the glass it bends, it bends, but soon enough it'll break--it'll break.
Watch us fall. How can we live this way? And i say, "can we just disappear from heart and mind, move on with life?"
and you say, "honey, it happens all the time."
the world still turned, and the sun still shone, and the people cried, but they're all dead inside.