Jun 16, 2005 23:59
So I'm going back at filling in what happened this past weekend on the correct days.
I decided that I was going to work offsite on Friday. So after I get off I head to the house to pack and get ready to go to Mocksville. About an hour down the road I stop and get some fireworks. I was planning on seeing Josh and Todd and we always talk about how I should get big fireworks before I cross the border. So I did. A couple of large smoke bombs, some M-80s, a roman candle, and one of those big mortar things with 12 shots all were purchased and put in the trunk. That is about the time that I realized my bag was totally sitting on the floor near the door back in Greenville. About 50 miles south of where I happened to be. Fuck it, I wasn't about drive back and get it.
The original plan for Thursday night was to go and stay at Teresa's Dad's house. Friday night was then going to be a party in Burlington and the rest was up in the air. Well that all changed when I get a call from a crying Lauren telling me that Mom read her little black book with all sorts of things Mom didn't need to read in it. So I told her she should leave and that I was on my way. Lauren and I talked for a while longer figuring out what we were going to do. When I got off the phone with Lauren I called Teresa and told her what the deal was. She said she would go with me. About an hour after I get off the phone with her she leaves her dad a note and gets in the car with me.
40 East gets us to Burlington about an hour later. We swing by Mom's house so I can pickup Lauren's stash of things that she had put together and left outside for me. Mom would have done something horrible, like throw them away. From Mom's we go find a room for the night at one of the places I usually stay. Then I get in touch with Josh, Todd, and Hopper. T was hungry and I think I was too so Waffle House was the spot to meet with everyone.
After smoking a bowl or two we head out to Waffle House and met up with the group. Had some food and it probably wasn't very good. Right as we were leaving about 5 cop cars pull in to the parking lot all at once with no lights on. They park and a massive amount of cops all walk in to the building right as I am pulling out. Needless to say I was a little nervous so I headed to back roads and back to town. Everyone was back at the room a while later and no one got arrested. That was good.
At the room we started drinking tequlia and smoking till Hopper decided they had to leave. We had decided that at some point early tomorrow Lauren was going to call. Then Teresa and I would go get her and head to Bank of America to empty the accounts that were in Lauren's and Mom's name. From there we would meet up with Josh and whoever and go from there. As they were leaving Josh and Todd wanted to jump in the pool but Hopper wouldn't let them. What a shame. After everyone left Teresa and I cleaned up the room a little bit and went to sleep.