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Mar 18, 2005 01:41

so vampire cat / wind-up bird / one am radio / xiu xiu was tonight at university of DE

i have to say. it was pretty fucking amazing. i missed vampire cat, but from what i hear i didn't miss much. the wind-up bird was mostly laptop based. he had a speaker set up in each corner of the room and sat down in the middle with his computer and mixing boxes and everyone sat in a circle around him while he sung into the 20 minute long drone thing he was doing. it was pretty awesome for a laptop performance. the sound was just swelling and sweeping all around the room and kept getting more and more chaotic as it went on.

one am radio came on next and were also really good. everyone sat down for the set. i didn't really want to, but i didn't want to be a dousche bag standing up in front while everyone else couldn't see. they didn't play "what you gave away" though, and that might be one of my favorite songs.

xiu xiu wasn't quite as intense as i had expected. i thought Jamie would be insane, but he's generally a pretty normal guy. a little crazy, but not even half as insane as he sounds on recordings. he had a girl playing with him, and freddy rupert doing his merch. freddy rupert is the kid that does This Song Is A Mess, But So Am I and is pretty much an awesome kid. apparently it was his 17th birthday and everyone sung to him. sadly, Xiu Xiu didn't play "apistat commander" or "i love the valley, OH!" the stuff from the upcomming album sounds really good though. not as abstract as everything else he's done. there were these two guys standing next to me that i wanted to strangle. Jamie pulled out an auto-harp while he was setting up and then for the next 15 minutes, i swear, their conversation went something like: "autoharp? autoharp! AUTOHARP!! autoharp? he had better play that autoharp. autoharp." no, jackass, he brings autoharps on tour so dumbass kids can freak out about it.

the burning question: where was sarah?
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