question meme

Jul 12, 2010 14:02

moonvoice gave me these 5 questions, if you want Qs reply and let me know ;)

1. What's your top five of purebreed dogs you'd own (provided you had the money, time, space and everything was perfect), and the five purebreed dogs you'd never own.

Top 5

1. Greyhound - I love my goofy girl even though she has some shortcomings, and I think it would be even better for her if we had a nearby agility/obedience club that operated in a fenced park! I can't do off leash work with Barbie yet :) I suspect that most future dogs are going to be ex-racing greys ;)

2. Whippet - OK I like fast, houndy, hunting type dogs. Unfortunately whippets and cats seem more incompatible than greyhounds and cats can be!

3. Rottweiler - A good, sound rotty who is fit and agile. They are very strong dogs and so take alot of time to train but so loyal and protective.

4. Great Dane - how can one go past these big, lovable, slow, goofy dogs!!

5. Border Collie - high maintenance, high energy, very very intelligent.... but if I had the time and space for one I would love one as a companion!

Dogs I'd never own....

1. Sharpei - I have never seen so many dog aggressive individuals in a particular breed, and they just look silly.... why oh why would you breed one of these?

2. Japanese Akita - I just don't trust these dogs. They are hard headed and often dog-aggressive. I have not met an Akita that I have liked.

3. Chihuahua - too small, so so many 'small dog syndrome' issues

4. Pug (or any other breed of dog that cannot physically exert itself without almost suffocating) - a pug is a perfect example of breeding gone wrong, despite the fact that so many of them are beautiful and cuddly and affectionate. It just seems cruel to trap a dog's soul in such a non-functional body!

5. Beagle - I cannot stand how Beagles howl! I know it's a scent-hound characteristic but while I am a big fan of many sighthounds, scenthounds are not my favorites.

2. How do you think Perth motorists could adapt better to cyclists? What are common problems you face as a cyclist from motorists, pedestrians, or even other cyclists?

It's very simple.

1 - Allow a safe overtaking distance (minimum a metre) and if you can't get past right away, wait a few seconds. Perth has wide roads. Often several lanes. There is always going to be a passing opportunity within a minute, maybe two *shock horror*

2 - Look where you are going! I cannot count the number of times that motorists have not given way to me because they havent seen me or think I'm moving at walking pace, or something.

3 - Don't beep your horn, yell obscenities or throw stuff out of your car window at cyclists.

I'm not the kind of person to get worked up about peds or other cyclists. The only close call I had with a ped was them jaywalking, and not hearing me coming, but on a bike peds are very easy to avoid most of the time. I only get annoyed when bad behaviour risks lives.

3. What is your ideal home, if you had an expendable income. What would it look like? Where would it be located?

There are actually some really nice properties south of Whiteman Park. It would be pretty cool to live there because you're not too far out of the loop as far as the city goes but you are guaranteed that development is not going to spring up all around you. Of course, if I lived that far out and still had to commute to the city I would need a full carbon road bike ... ;)

4. Do you still feel quite a profound connection to Thylacine? If so, how does it manifest? If not, why do you think this is?

To be honest I think the Thylacine has shown me all that I needed to learn at this point of my life. The one on my shoulder still watches over me and reminds me that there is value in flying under the radar, not seeking attention, keeping and preserving parts of myself that aren't ready for light. At the moment the animals that I spend every night with and are very real and present are the ones that are my dominant influences in a much more concrete way. Barbie in particular had some new things to offer, like tolerance, subtlety, alertness...

5. What is your general routine when you get home from work, on an average workday?

If I've ridden home I shower and change, if I caught the train I just get out of my work clothes so they are not colonised by animal hair. I try to ignore the dogs when I get in the door. I let them in and they run around like maniacs. I talk to Mittens and Froufrou. I consider dinner. I may cook dinner. I watch TV for a bit, check facebook & lj, feed the animals at about 6.30, let them digest and walk the dogs around 7 - 7.30 (if I could run, then it would be, run with the dogs, but I think I'm still a week off from resuming running). Then usually more TV, a 5 minute training session for the dogs, more TV, take the dogs out for their wee, let Mittens into the bedroom (she is the only one polite enough to be allowed to sleep with me all night), and go to sleep!


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