Seeing how
moonvoice 's kittehs are getting along makes me realise how much my two don't! Mittens and Froufrou only teamed up when Barbie came into the house, but the day I saw them fighting each other again was the day I knew they were comfortable with the new dog. They are hardly ever in the same room. Frou hangs out in the laundry and my bedroom while Mittens hangs out in the hallway and the front room. They play, and chase and pounce on each other but most of the time they just ignore each other.
Bender and Barbie spend the vast majority of their time together. They lie pretty close to each other even though Barbie still has some residual sleep aggression issues (which are sometimes directed at Bender and sometimes Nic, never at me anymore).
I felt bad putting Barbie outside as she looked cold this morning. She is going to need a coat real soon.
I also really need to build my 'springer' attachment for the bikes so I can take Barbie/Bender for runs :) I'm getting bored of walking around the suburb.