Jun 15, 2006 21:44
SO yes. Here i am. Still in Marysville. I've been away from the house since last wednsday. It's been great. really needed to get away. WOnt be going back till about sunday or so.
Got drunk a few nights ago on some hard vodka. It was awesome. COuldn't stand still.. almost fell a bunch. The next night i had the other 3/4ths of the bottle.. got SLAMMED. wont be doing THAT again. XP
Trish.. a godsend. In more ways than one.
Chris.. shit man.. thought you were my brother.. And then you and that....THING you're with can't even accuse me of shit to my FUCKING FACE. you Cowards. You backstabbing asshole cowards. As if i'd steal a fucking car just to egg yours!!! Goddamn.. You didn't use to be an asshole chris. Then you let her start running youlife. A bedtime huh? Well guess what. You've alienated everyone of your friends. Trust me, i know. I talk to them. Not that it fucking matters anymore, but i wont be attenting your wedding. You dont want to acknowledge my exsistance? fine. You know where to reach me, bastard.
so yeah. With the exception of Chris stabbing me in the back, and his....yeah, shitting about me behind my back like the fat, ass-bitch she is, this week's been great. Made a new friend, strengthend the relationship with another, and looks like i may even have a new place to stay out there in Seattle. -_^
So, in other words... fuck job corps.