The Myth, the Math, the Sex according to this NYT article, it is logically impossible that men have more sexual partners than women. this is their reasoning, based on the High School Prom Theorem.
on the day after the prom, girls are asked to give the number of boys they danced with. this total will be denoted G. boys are asked similarly to do so, and the amount of girls they danced with will be denoted B.
theorem: G = B
proof: both G and B are equal to C, the number of couples who danced together at the prom. Q.E.D.
apply the same to men and women when divulging the amount of sexual partners they've had. the only way to explain why men would have a higher median is if they are fucking outside their sample size, or that they are overestimating the amount of their conquests.
don't you just love statistics?