wooha, i live! (+ a fucking huge whine)

Nov 15, 2006 21:27

K, so I do still live.. sadly enough! Yeah, yeah.. I don't really use a blog in the traditional/emo myspace sense. However in this instance I feel a calling to note the passing of an era. After I officially got sick of NM, it was the same feeling :(.

As most of you know, the last few years I’ve been playing a mud called Medievia. Med was fun, my little online family exists on med, i love my med bloodline and so on and so forth. Sadly I've noted Med taking the same turn as our beloved NM did, albeit less dramatically. Its the same stock standard recipe - a dictator runs the joint and does *mostly* as he pleases (although in this case, he does it under the guise of 'what majority of players want'). For those in my friends who do not play Med - its kind of like a txt version of WoW (yeah, yeah.. i know thats oversimplified). There is a lot of parallels guild=clan, instance=zone etc. Except in Med, the zones that you ran for eq with your clan were totally open - hence in chaotic pk, the enemy clan could run in, steal your zone run AND your eq if they managed to kill you as well. In other words this was infinitely more exciting than your stock standard WoW instance (MC makes me want to slit my wrists :p). Now, this MOST exciting feature if Medievia, so happens to be the very feature that 'King Vryce' (aka 2.Descartes) is contemplating removing. Supposedly society as a whole is demanding that ALL games be fucking care bear style.

For years KING Vryce has promised us ships, for years the player base has waited with bated breath.. dreaming of pirating the high text seas in their text ships and plundering text gold. The reality of the situation is a droll session of spamming the same commands over and fucking over, watching insane amounts of unnecessary spam scroll past and being coerced into playing far longer than you ever intended when you first switched on. The attempt at realism has gone far to far in this particular case.. its gone the way of Descartes with his goddamn sicknesses on NM - a fucking pain in the ass. Sadly the original idea had great merit.

Last weekend, I got a wee bit drunk (as I’m wont to do from time to time :p)and made the mistake of logging on Med.

{back-story: For those who I haven't yet ranted to.. I fucking HATE dutch people. I've dealt with about 6 of them over the years on Medievia - bizarrely enough, I can't stand any of them, infact, i'd be quite content if they got hit by a bus.. then it reversed over them for good measure}

Now in my little clan of 50 or so people I have a grand total of TWO Dutch people - not one, TWO. Now what is the first thing an inconsiderate, obnoxious multi-lingual person thinks of doing on an ENGLISH game? OF COURSE.. speaks in their NON-English language to their friend who is the only other person who understands that shit. Do they do it in a private conversation line? Noooo.. They do it on a fucking public line that 50odd other people have to read and use. Of course, being the polite, patient person I always am - I asked them to cease their inconsiderate idiocy and resume speaking in the standard game language. This was received with some typically non-educated bullshit followed by a "we're too lazy to take it to a private line" sort of response. After biting my tongue for a short time, I made a similar *mostly* polite request.. the response was more along the lines of "fuck off". Well my friends, it was Open Season and by christ it was Dutch Season :p. I actually wish I had logged my tirade upon their clogfag asses - I'm told it was somewhat impressive.. they were left with nothing to say except "LOL WTF?!?!!11!?" (ie the standard response of idiots worldwide). Bizarrely enough, the idiotic response of the masses quickly moved to blubbering, stupid limp wristed attempts at some sort of a comeback, then drizzled disappointingly into the blubberings (and hopefully irl wrist slitting) of your typical myspace emo. Needless to say my lack of tolerance for firstly morons and secondly clogfags has pretty cleanly burnt my Medievia bridge.

Given the gist of this entire post, it is actually a fairly good thing that I burnt bridges last weekend. All I have to say is at least I did it properly and in a fairly fucking funny and spectacular fashion while I was at it :).
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