Jun 22, 2003 20:16
Do you really hate others because they possess the qualities that you hate in yourself? (I mean, I hate Vincent from Big Brother, and I don't think he possesses any of my qualities. I'm not a man, I'm not sleazy, I'm not in love with Joanne, I don't wear muscle singlets and I don't drive a sports car.)
Is it cool to wear pink shirts?
Who dies in Harry Potter?! (Nobody answer that question.)
How is Charlie's Angels about "women being strong"? (The movie is about women dressed in bikinis, being bossed around by old, tubby men.)
Is the weather a valid topic of conversation?
Why do people put the conversation topics "politics" and "weather" in the same category? (I'm not seeing the relation...)
Why can't I get off MSN?
Who dresses Gretel Kileen? (They should be praised, then shot.)