Aug 12, 2004 17:55
well here it goes... one week after that last entry and ive decided for sure. im done. my thought process in ceasing to use my livejournal goes something like this:
1) livejournal makes it far too easy for me to make superficial connections to superficial people.
2) the last thing i want in my life are people that say they're going to call and don't, people that say they care but don't, people that will swear that they are there for me and then don't call for months.
3) and finally, the real reason, is that i AM one of those superficial people and im growing quite tired of myself. im tired of being a part of half-hearted friendships and shallow social circles. its time for it to stop.
and thats pretty much it. this is going to be goodbye for a lot of you. but i probably wont miss you very much, and you probably wont miss me very much either. if the urge ever strikes you to contact me my email is have a wonderful life.