My roommate is a terrible drunk

Sep 07, 2008 15:36

Case in point: After a night of partying (which was actually like 2-3 hours), he comes back and begins to throw up in the trash can. I talk to him and chill for a bit. 'Rough night, huh?' *throws up* 'Want to go to the bathroom?' 'no, dude' 'u sure?' 'yea, I'm fine'

Well he said that without slurring or even mumbling, so I took it as he was just felling ill and so totally fucked up. He was only gone for 2-3 hours anyway. no way he was that fucked up, right? WRONG. WRONG. We're talking about Rick James here.

So after chatting with him for about a half hour, I come to that conclusion that he's not wasted off his ass, so I go to sleep. I wake up. It smells like puke. There's puke nearly everywhere on the floor. There's puke on: my backpack, my 360 controller, my shoes (only a little), my gh3 guitar (not the rock band one), and my unopened cheetos puffs bag. I wasn't that mad, I mean it wasn't HIS fault he threw up over everything, I probably would have done the same.

But here's the coup-de-gras: he wakes up and i tell him what happened, he says he's sorry like 50,000 times and stuff, I'm like whatever man. We're standing in the middle of the room, I look over and say to him for like the 50th time, It's alright, man. I look past him and then I see it. "Uhhhhhhhhhh" is all I can say. "What, what did I do?" I pointed and said quietly, "My drumset...". THe red drum pad was broken off and dngling by it's wire. He proceed to apologize at least 10 more times, but I wasn;t really mad because I was going to get the Rock BAnd 2 drumset regardless. So yea. Good times.
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