So yeah things havent been all that bad lately. Sarah got rid of her job at IHOP and got a job at Max 10 (the ghettoest store around). I still havent gotten a job. I really need one because Sarah has one and like Steve has one and I feel left out from the job like festivities
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1) Plays mind games ((one minute he is all over someone the next he remembers he has a girlfriend))
2) DENY DENY DENY everything
3) if you can't deny, LIE LIE LIE
4) talk shit behind your friends backs ((yes devin, i do know that you told someone WHILE we were friends that i was some lil 16 yr old whore that would sleep with anyone, only thing that makes me a whore is sleeping with you))
5) Lie about the things you do ((devin if you did make out with mallory (yuckie there) and if you did play strip poker (i didnt like seeing you with your shirt off in the dark, so i feel bad for the people you played with) then i guess you need to spend more time with your girlfriend then runnin about))
6)Be pissed off about everything all the time.
7) Have extreme road rage
8)Use someone you act like your friends with for sex!
9) Don't take care of your vehicles then bitch when they fuck up.
10)Take everything for granted
11)self pity folks, lots of self pity
12)Bitch, moan and cry about everything that goes wrong in your life
13) Deny some more
14)lie lots
15) Back yard wrestle because its smart to get hit in the head with a folding chair
16) Get really fucking pissed when you play halo and die.
17) Whore yourself out on the internet, daily.
18) allow your 'friends' to sit around watchin you whore yourself out on the internet
*Travis - your a good guy wish i seen you more!
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