Feb 22, 2006 23:26
My Jesus, My Savior, Wonderful Counselor, that He is people and many more names referred to Jesus in the bible. Friend, i don't know any other person that has been there for me in the darkest times and in the most loneliness times yet, except my Jesus. Jesus who died for my sins and yours, the Jesus who healed the sick and walked on water, the Jesus who died and rose again, the one who is preparing a place for me and until my work is done here on earth He will still continue to prepare my place. I pray for anyone out there who don't know Him as their personal Lord and Savior, we can't get to heaven on good works, nor can we get in on just being a good person. You have to know Him as your Savior, as the only one that can save you from going to hell. Hell is not made for you, it was made for the Devil's angels and demons. Friend if you don't accept Jesus as your savior you have a one way ticket to Hell, and Jesus don't want that, He tells us that we are made for His glory, and that we are to live with Him forever. You have to first believe that He is there and then take the step of faith and accept Him into your heart. For those of you who have already taken this step of faith we have an even bigger challenge, we have to reach these people who aren't saved, who are lost and are bound for hell. As the great commission tells us, we should "go out and preach to all nations". It's time we got off our lazy behinds and get to work, we can't expect to spread God's word by just getting up on Sunday's and going to church and on Wednesday's for the prayer meeting. We need to get out of our comfort zones and tell everyone who can hear, about Jesus. We must commit our lives to Him and surrender all to Him. How are we going to teach other's about Jesus when we don't even know much about Him ourselves? Thats why my brother/sister we must stay in the word of God who created this book for us, and to use it to share the gospel with others. This isn't for our own personal reference only, but to show other's how to obtain His Holy Presence in their hearts, and receive Him as their Lord and Saviour. To be baptized in the Holy Spirit and be free from their burden of sins, to surrender themselves just as He has done for us to Him. He has already paid the price, now all we have to do is accept it. I am so proud of my UCO brother's and sister's at a university they belong to, spreading the word and getting people to surrender their lives to Jesus! Amen. If only 100% of the other colleges and universities were doing it as effective as my UCO peeps are we would have all our college age students at least hearing about the gospel of Jesus. Some of us share the gospel and others well we know the gospel but don't act on what it tells us to do, and others just aren't interested. It's just not "cool" in some people's book but what isn't going to be "cool" is when they get up their in front of the judgement and give account for all their sins and have no name in the Lamb's Book of Life, and are sent to Hell. Hell isn't made for man, it was created for the Devil and his angels/demons. If God didn't want us to have eternal life, He wouldn't have sent His son to die on the cross for our sins, on that dreadful day. God loves us so much that He sent His ONLY son to die for me and you, to allow Him to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Every sin we have committed was paid for in full by the blood of the lamb. My heart cries out to you or anyone who isn't saved, who isn't covered by the blood of the lamb and name isn't in the Lamb's Book of Life. Jesus is knocking on your heart, and He want's to come in, but you have to open the door and let Him in, and accept Him by faith. Faith is something that you cannot see but you trust that it's there beyond a shadow of a doubt, based on the Holy Spirit and God's Holy Word. My Father in Heaven knows my name, does He know yours? My father in heaven is the only way to eternal life, i pray that He is for you too, no other way will get you there. He tells us that He is the Way, The Truth and Light. He hasn't ever let me down, and I know He will never let you down. Receive Him today, would you? Take Him by His gentle nail scared hand and follow Him wherever He may lead you, and do not stray against the bushes and weeds in the path, stay on the straight and narrow for that way leads to the gates of Heaven, most commonly called the road less traveled. Please feel free to contact me on livejournal, or myspace: myspace.com/darrenr2005. I hope that this is an encouragement to Christians already out there, and to the unsaved who are willing to take the step of faith in becoming a Christian. "The blessings are in the Valley, in the River I will wait." God Bless, Darren.