Sep 05, 2006 15:07
So its been fun getting to know my room mates more and their personal testimonies through the walks to the cafeteria. Hearing them, they explained to me the old chinese way of life with the dragons and fake Buddha's around the culture, rub my tummy..... So as friends have influenced me over these last several years in Bible studies and prayer meets. I feel the need to start a study here, in the word of God. I feel each heart here desiring a closer walk with God, as well myself. My Father has prepared me and now with His presence here i believe that we can start. This has been a big step for me because I don't want to feel like I'm pushing anyone but i don't want to leave them behind in the dark. I pray that this bible study time will bring us all closer together and a brighter light for Christ, and begin to open this up to the whole Cedar Hall, if possible. My God has been calling me to do this for a while now, and I'm stepping up to the plate with Him beside me. I feel His presence in my life so strong right now, and i don't want to loose Him. I really believe that Christ has a mission for me here, something the He wants me to do here. Is there someone out there that is seeking a guy like me? A life that is lost that has taken many ways to avoid the presence of Christ? Someone who knows me already but needs to see Christ shining through me for the two and half years that i have left here? What is it? If we could only have the answers to the questions in life...... I feel God is going to move over this campus, and i pray that it happens soon. We have more Christian clubs than any other college in the state, we have more dedication to those clubs than any Christian college that i know of. The bible study material i have been advised from a youth minister to use is "Don't Check Your Brains at the Door" by Josh Mcdowell. I am not familiar with the author but we shall see how this works. I'ts currently on order. Please be in prayer as I will. Obeying God's call sometimes can be overwhelming. I feel confident God will provide the knowledge and strength to present His word in a fashion that all will be acceptable to Him. I can hardly wait to see what God pulls out of our hearts to share with someone else, and the message that He will show us in the suite. Maybe some of the free style language will begin to cease and the gestures will fade. I pray that everyone has a prayer or devotion time, it's very tough to keep in college. But God has been sufficient enough to provide that time for me, even as exhausted I feel coming in from crutches. He will provide for you too, if you let Him. Well this is the end of this entry. Please be in prayer for our colleagues and their spiritual walk if they have one and if they don't that they will seek one. Now go get in the word!
God Bless,