(no subject)

Jul 18, 2004 21:42

So I'm in the dorms in DC and figured I'd update while I have the chance here in the computer room. It's been absolutely awesome so far, I met so many awesome people. I'm rooming with one cool liberal, one cool conservative and one really really really sheltered and weird conservative. Last night we took our spare matress, put it on the floor next to the weird conservative's bed and dumped the dude off his bed onto the matress while he was sleeping. He slapped all of us, but I got a good picture out of it, I'll post it later. We've woken him up about 10 times in similar fashions since we got here.

Work is sweet. Congressmen swear at each other and at the Speaker all the time. Being on the floor while it's in session is like watching a group of first graders at recess. All of them are nice as hell though. I had a conversation with this one congressman named Honda from California for like a half hour on the floor the other day. They all kickass, especially Jesse Jackson Jr. This one page during the last summer session handwrote a note to Jesse Jackson Jr because he was smoking on the House floor. He wrote something like "I will pass legislation to stop you from smoking or if there are reprocussions on my health from your smoking, I will sue you etc.". He gave this fuckin note to the Speaker WHILE the House was in session. The Speaker then had to give the note to Jesse Jackson who proceeded to cuss this kid out and threaten to shove his foot up his ass. There are so many beautiful stories like that over here. This one annoying page told my uncle to put away his cellphone when he was on the floor and my uncle told him to shut the hell up. So priceless.

As far as postcards go, I'm having a little trouble sending them cause of the post office and stamps and weird shit, but no worries, they'll be on their way soon. I hope everyone is having an awesome July, much love to you all!
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