Easter poem

Apr 17, 2006 14:10

Even though the yeast was cast out of the dough, the Bread of Life is risen!

A man called Truth told me one day
I must go away for to die.

But after 3 days I will come back to life
To go live with my Dad in the sky.

Now, if you believe what I've told you is true,
I'll gladly prepare a place there for you...

You'd build ME a place just because I BELIEVE?
...And I'll come back to take you there too!

Or anyone else you should care to tell,
Who would like to go there as well.

You'd make THEM a place as well?

I am a carpenter's son, you know!

I know.

You do? How did you know?

Because the Bible told me so.


Did it also say I would pay the price
for your sins, and die for you, too?


But now you are risen! Risen indeed! No longer dead!

When the Son of God says he will come BACK
for you, he must live up to what he has said.

(Easter Sunday's "B.C." comic, by Johnny Hart)
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