Dec 16, 2004 01:17
So I decided something today. I read enough Live Journals to see the emo shit in all of them, so that's not what this is going to be about anymore. Rarely will you ever see anymore entries talking about my day, or how much I love this girl, or how good it feels to cut at that fleshy area between my balls and my anus with a razor blade (I think it's called a gooch). From now on, this journal will be updated semi-daily (or whenever I see something funny), and I'm going to tell you all how much I hate certain people, or give you a wierd little debate for you all to discuss amongst yourselfs for two minutes before everyone calls whoever disagrees with them dork fucks. So here's the first entry of the rest of your lives.
Don't you love it when you're reading pissed off LJ entries, and no one ever refers to the person they're mad at by their name? Like it's some secret treasure. I'm so angry at you! But, I'm going to be a mysterious little buttfucker and not tell you which one of you I'm mad at.
Now of course, if he/she is made at you, you're going to know it, or at least, he/she expects you too. But isn't that asking a little much? This person is already pissed at you, and the cunt wants you to guess if it's you or not. Making you (doesn't matter who the hell you are) think really hard about anything you might have done from the time you met said person, to the moment they put up this LJ entry.
Hmmm....There was that one time when I threw his cats favorite toy into the fireplace knowing it would chase after it. And then, after it let off a kind of smoke that can only be described as "feline fog" I beat it alot with a can of deoderant to try to put out the fire. I figured it had enough then.
Or maybe it was the other day when I was making farting noises at their sister's funeral after she died from explosive diarrhea.
I bet it could be when I made them deepthroat a two by four wrapped in barbed wire fencing.
As I stated earlier, it doesn't matter who you are, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, aquaitnence, or proctologist, they want you to guess if it's you or not. What a bunch of selfish fuckers.
Oh yeah people. Get ready for more intellectual bullshit such as this in the following days.