everyone should take two seconds to write a letter to their representative, regarding HR 4167, the "National Uniformity for Food Act." Its sponsored by Monsanto (aslkfjalsfjk), and allows manufacturers (meat, dairy, and others) to omit "GMO" (genetically modified organism) and "RBGH" (bovine growth hormone), and scary cancer causing ingredients from food labels. Even worse, since its a national law, it trumps more stringent state laws. this is really fucking important. we have a right to know whats in our food. write to them RIGHT NOW. i even included a sample letter. -- just go to house.gov, find your representative by typing in your zip code, then either call them, or attach your name to this letter:
I am writing in regards to HR 4167, “The National Uniformity for Food Act”. I am urging you to vote AGAINST this legislation. RBGH (bovine growth hormone), genetically altered foods, and certain additives should be listed on packaging for consumers. Allowing manufacturers to omit these ingredients from product labels endangers the health of our children and families. As consumers, we have a right to know what is in our food. The law would preemt existing state guidelines regarding labeling, lowering standards in most cases.
Please vote against HR 4167, and encourage your colleagues to do so as well. I would appreciate a response regarding this issue.
be sure to include your adress so they can write back to you.